Behind the Druck brand video with Roy Dowell
We recently launched our Druck brand video to highlight the facility and what we do here at Druck.
We manage to catch up with some of the team worked on the video and ask them a couple of questions about the project and how it came about
Third in our miniseries is Roy Dowell part of our Advanced Manufacturing Engineer Team -
We have the below four proposed questions, if you would like to take part, please can you please write a response to each question?
As an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer I’m lucky enough to work across all departments within Druck, so at the time of making video, I’d been involved in a number NPI’s (New Product Introduction) for our Test and Calibration department, so I felt it was the perfect opportunity for me to show how proud and passionate I am of our products and working at here at Druck (#Druckfamily)
When people hear the name Druck I want them to think: - Great Products, Great place to work,
It felt all the employees within the video showed their passion for Druck
It felt all the employees within the video showed their passion for Druck and their day job(s)
Other than my own performance!! Seriously though as an original Druck employee, (the days before Baker Hughes) to see the names of John & Mike’s at the end was really touching, without them both, there wouldn’t be DRUCK!
You can view the Druck brand video on our YouTube channel here