Cordant Root Cause Analysis

Introducing Cordant Root Cause Analysis and Defect Elimination

A New Era in Problem-Solving Solutions 

Baker Hughes, a leader in innovative Asset Performance Management solutions, has officially launched its leading-edge Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methodology, accompanied by the powerful Cordant Asset Defect Elimination application. This marks a significant milestone in the realm of comprehensive Root Cause Analysis and Defect Elimination strategies. 

Cordant RCA: A Paradigm Shift in Problem-Solving 

Built on over 25 years of domain expertise, Cordant RCA introduces a 3-step process designed to simplify, enhance, and centralize problem-solving techniques across organizations. Grounded in Cause Tree principles and aligned with IEC 62740 standards, this methodology addresses recurring problems effectively, providing organizations with an approach to prevent recurrence. 

“Our goal with Cordant RCA is to drive simple, logical problem-solving techniques within organizations. We aim to align teams with a tool that prioritizes resources, enables data-driven continuous improvement throughout the organization, and provides some solution implementation, action tracking and value realization.” stated Jason Apps, VP Solutions and Product Management. 

The Cordant RCA methodology focuses on a systematic approach: 

1. Preparation: Gathering information, organizing people, time, and venue. 

2. Analysis: Developing a problem statement, constructing an initial timeline, building the cause-and-effect chart, adding supporting information, and performing a quality check of the cause-and-effect chart. 

3. Resolution: Generating and selecting solutions, implementing solutions, and effectively communicating RCA findings to the organization. The process concludes with measuring the success of solutions, communicating wins across the organization, and institutionalizing the entire process. 

Cordant Asset Defect Elimination: Revolutionizing Problem Management 

In conjunction with Cordant RCA, the Cordant Asset Defect Elimination application offers a central digital platform to identify, analyze, and prioritize resources for defect elimination, problem management, and root cause analysis. Integrated with work execution systems, this application supports multiple methodologies and enables flexible and bulk data analysis to suit the specific needs of each situation. 

“Cordant Asset Defect Elimination enriches asset reliability analysis and strategy review, allowing organizations to easily track solution actions and extract valuable EAM data to support further analyses,” explained Jason Apps. 

The tool provides capabilities such as defect impact quantification, RCA workflow management, solution implementation tracking, integration with work execution systems, and robust metrics and reporting. Defects and resolutions can be prioritized based on business exposure, benefit, severity, and problem types, ensuring focused effort, traceability of solution implementation, and a high return on investment. 

Flexible Deployment Options for Maximum Impact 

Cordant Asset Defect Elimination can be deployed as a standalone Asset Defect Elimination tool, delivered as a service, or fully integrated into Cordant Asset Performance Management, optimizing the performance of operations. 

Empowering Organizations through Comprehensive RCA Training 

 A suite of Root Cause Analysis training courses is available either online or in-person classroom for participants, managers, and facilitators in Cordant RCA. These courses aim to familiarize individuals with the Cause Tree methodology and 3-step problem-solving process, develop strong facilitators capable of leading problem analyses, and grow RCA techniques into a Defect Elimination process. 

The launch of Cordant Root Cause Analysis methodology and Cordant Asset Defect Elimination application represents a new era in problem-solving solutions.  Cordant RCA is an invaluable solution for organizations seeking to enhance their problem-solving capabilities, drive efficiency, and optimize performance. For more information about Cordant Root Cause Analysis methodology and Cordant Asset Defect Elimination, please visit