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FAQ | Legacy

FAQ | Legacy Products
How do I clear the PIN number on my DPI 510?

Press the Setup key, the instrument then prompts you for the PIN number. Enter the number 510 followed by pressing the key labelled "Zero". A new PIN number can then be entered by selecting "Set PIN?" from the menu.
Note:- Setting the PIN number to zero removes the need to enter a PIN number when accessing the Setup and Calibration menu's.

DPI520 PIN Reset

To clear the pin number on instruments with software earlier than V3.01 enter the number 520 followed by pressing the DEL key.
On instruments with software V3.01 or later then enter the number 520 followed by pressing the F3 key.
NOTE:- The software version is displayed at switch on.

Replacement Sensor for PDCR 910-22 used with DPI145

In theory the UNIK 5000 sensor should work with the DPI 145, although we have never done any official testing.
Using the UNIK 5000 Configurator, the below model matches the majority of the specification for the PDCR 910-1422.
You will need to use the "mV Passive" sensor as the supply from the DPI 145 is 5V.


The UNIK 5000 Linearity will be ±0.25% FS BSL instead of ±0.1% FS BSL.
A Linearity correction can be entered into the DPI 145 but we can't say whether the instrument will then meet the previous specification of:-

We no longer have stock of the 12 way Lemo Connector therefore this would need removing from the cable of the PDCR 910-1422 and fitting to the cable of the UNIK 5000.

You can add the new sensor to the menu of the DPI 145, perform a 2 point calibration, linearity and calibration verification yourself, this is described in the DPI 145 User Manual Section 5.6.2 (Copy of User Manual is attached).

Please note that the DPI 145 is an obsolete instrument and if you were to run into any compatibility issues then we would not be able to get any support from our engineering team.

If you would prefer to consider an alternative product then the PACE 1000 is the replacement for the DPI 145. As well as having internal sensors the PACE 1000 supports our remote IDOS sensor.

What does the ADTS403 error mean "Error Code 722:0004"?

There could be trapped pressure in the pneumatic system, try venting the system as follows.
First remove the caps from the Ps and Pt ports.
Select the maintenance mode by powering on the ADTS, when the ADTS displays "ADTS DK127" press the F1 and F4 keys at the same time.
Select More (F3 key) Select System (F1 key) Select Vent System (F1 key). 
This should open the correct valves on the ADTS to release any trapped pressure.
If you still get the Error Message 722:0004 then there may be a fault with the main Pt sensor. In which case we recommend that ADTS is returned for investigation/repair.
Please be aware that some components for the ADTS 403 are no longer available therefore repair may not be possible in all cases.

Is there a over ride pin number available for DPI510 to clear the existing pin.

Press the Setup key, the instrument then prompts you for the pin number. Enter the number 510 followed by pressing the "Zero" key. A new pin number can then be entered by selecting "Set Pin" from the menu.

Setting the pin number to zero removes the need to enter a pin number when accessing the Setup and Calibration menu's.

DPI 510 Resetting the PIN

Press the Setup key, the instrument then prompts you for the pin number. Enter the number 510 followed by pressing the "Zero" key. A new pin number can then be entered by selecting "Set Pin" from the menu.

Setting the pin number to zero removes the need to enter a pin number when accessing the Setup and Calibration menu's.

What is the specification for DPI145 Negative Calibration

The specification for the negative direction is the same as for the positive direction. i.e. ±0.05% RDG between 20 to 100% of Full scale and ±0.01% FS between 0 to 20% Full scale (see attached data sheet).

MCX-II Excitation Current for Resistance Simulation

For resistance simulation the excitation current needs to be between 0.175 mA and 3.5 mA. 

How to change DPi605 serial number after board replacement

To enter the serial number proceed as follows:-
Remove the Cal Link -> power on -> press the SETUP key -> select CAL/TEST -> type in the pin 777 followed by pressing the SETUP key -> select CONFIG -> select "Serial No" -> enter the serial number -> Exit from the CONFIG menu -> power OFF/ON -> the correct serial number should now be displayed.
The Cal link is marked LK2 and is located on the mainboard close to pin 1 of IC6. The case base requires removing to access the mainboard.

Wiring Details for UNIK5000 PDCR5021 connection to DPI280

The connections are as follows:-
PDCR 5021 DPI 280
Red (+Ve Supply) Terminal 6
White (+Ve Output) Terminal 2
Green (-Ve Output) Terminal 1
Blue (-Ve Supply) Terminal 3

How to fix DPI142 Incorrect Sea Level Reading

There is a bug in the DPI 142 software (currently V05.00.00) that causes the sea level pressure to be calculated incorrectly. To overcome this, select the height units as feet but enter the height value in metres. The correct sea level pressure will then be displayed.

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