BHC3 ESG enables energy companies to monitor, report, and improve their ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance. Customers can utilize BHC3 ESG to streamline the process of gathering and validating ESG data across the organization, prioritizing and mapping data to widely-used ESG reporting standards, and identifying and tracking progress across performance-improving initiatives for priority ESG issues.​​​

Automate ESG reporting and meet ESG goals

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BHC3 ESG video

Demonstrated Benefits

ESG roadmap and initiatives to stakeholder priorities in real-time​
current and emerging ESG risks and capture opportunities​
ESG initiatives to meet ambitious smart goals
time and resources required to gather and report on disparate ESG data​

AI-Based ESG Management​

Pain Point

BHC3 ESG Solution​

Fragmented ESG data across multiple disparate systems​

Unified ESG data across disparate enterprise systems provides single source of truth​

Difficulty tracking priority issues across key stakeholders​

AI-based stakeholder monitoring tracks perception in near real-time to identify material ESG issues and reduce risk​

Inability to track progress against enterprise ESG goals​

Goal setting and real-time tracking helps achieve ESG targets across the enterprise​

Significant time spent responding to one-off data requests​

AI-based data ingestion automatically matches ESG metric to available data​

Data collection process is highly manual and prone to error​

Error alerting and robust data lineage ensures high accuracy ESG reporting and reduces compliance risk​

Difficulty keeping up with rapidly evolving reporting requirements​

Native support for all major ESG reporting standards streamlines reporting across multiple frameworks​

Benefits for ESG Professionals

Benefits for BHC3 ESG Infographic

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