Work with a Leader in Radiation Measurement and Environmental Monitoring Solutions

With 60+ years as a leader in neutron and gamma radiation detection technologies, Reuter-Stokes innovates, designs and manufactures state of the art radiation detectors for applications ranging from reactor monitoring and security to material science research and space exploration.

Our advanced manufacturing allows us to match the exact performance of any 3He proportional counter, regardless of age. This revolutionary process helps save you time and reduce costs.

We combine our technology and customization expertise with fast responses to your questions, enabling us to be the partner you need for successful radiation monitoring and measurement.

Find the Right Radiation Measurement Devices and Monitoring Solutions

Medium Green
Homeland Security Radiation Detectors

Radiation Portal Monitoring, Spent Fuel Measurements, Nuclear Safeguards and Mobile Radiation Detection Equipment.

Medium Green
Security & Safeguard Detectors

Multiplicity, coincidence and totals counting for research reactor startup and spent nuclear fuel measurement & processing.

Medium Green
Neutron Scattering Applications & Tools

High-efficiency neutron detection with high-speed electronics in all-vacuum, partial-vacuum and non-vacuum applications.

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Radiation Measurement & Monitoring