


  • Improve proppant transport with high apparent viscosity
  • Minimize pad volumes and overall fluid volumes with superior fluid efficiency
  • Minimize hydraulic horsepower requirements with crosslink times of more than 5 minutes

  • Hydraulic fracturing and frac-pack operations in conventional and unconventional reservoirs
  • Foamed or energized fracturing treatments using nitrogen
  • High shear-rate environments and areas where water quality prohibits the use of more sensitive fluids



Viking™ fracturing fluid systems from Baker Hughes give you proven hydraulic fracturing solutions to maximize your productivity and minimize any damage to your formation.

These economical, high-pH, borate-cross-linked systems are ideally suited for applications in temperatures up to 300°F (150°C). By incorporating proprietary complexor and breaker chemistry, Viking systems help you achieve customizable crosslink and breaktimes. Our application specialists can custom formulate a Viking system for crosslink times of more than 5 minutes, reducing your hydraulic horsepower requirements.


Get assured fracturing performance from versatile, economical fluid systems

Viking fracturing fluid systems also assist in maximizing fracture conductivity when greater fracture widths are required for placement of high proppant concentrations or coarser proppants, or both. Due to their high apparent viscosity and superior fluid efficiency, Viking systems improve proppant transport while minimizing pad volumes and overall fluid volumes to optimize your operation.

Viking systems break down cleanly and completely with the Baker Hughes line of encapsulated breakers, which enhances fluid clean-up and prevents formation and proppant pack damage.

Viking systems also possess a good tolerance to mix waters, including brines, which facilitates your water management plans and reduces your associated costs.

Discover how Viking fracturing fluid systems can efficiently maximize your fracture network while reducing your overall costs.

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