Optimize production.

Maximize pump, well, and field-level performance and production outcomes

Reduce unplanned downtime.

Control downtime with AI-driven failure prediction and opportunity management

Achieve emissions goals.

Optimize power consumption and increase operational efficiency



Optimize production, reduce unplanned downtime, and improve efficiency and emissions by leveraging Leucipa's best-in-class, AI-powered automation software.


With all of your production data, tools, and existing workflows fully integrated into a single plane of glass, you can finally take control of your entire production operation with the Leucipa solution, powered by AWS.



Photo of two offshore production rigs.

Prioritized, integrated field decisions

Benefit from better decision making across artificial lifts, networks, chemicals, power, and workovers to improve your operations.

Animation still from Leucipa video.
Leucipa workflows

An adaptable and scalable solution

One size does not fit all. In production, it doesn’t even fit most. With 70-plus engineering workflows, you can easily configure the experience you need to optimize operations. 

Photo of a man in the field, holding an iPad.
Leucipa implementation

Fast to implement, easy to integrate

Easily and precisely configure Leucipa’s engineering connectors and workflows, tailored to your specific operational needs and processes for more effective and efficient outcomes.

Experts looking at a computer monitor.
Leucipa expertise

Trusted outcomes built on decades of experience

We’ve taken Baker Hughes’s decades of oilfield expertise and built it into our existing algorithms, workflows, and physics-based and AI/ML models. All stress-tested and iteratively improved to perfection based on inputs from hundreds of projects globally.


We are passionate about real results

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