


  • Improve proppant transport with high apparent viscosity
  • Lower hydraulic horsepower requirements with crosslink times ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes
  • Minimize formation damage while maximizing fracture conductivity with internal break mechanism

  • Conventional fracturing and frac-pack operations
  • Underpressured formations when energized or foamed with nitrogen
  • High-shear rate environments & areas where water quality prohibits use of more sensitive fluids



The Baker Hughes Spectra Frac™ fracturing fluids are designed to deliver optimal fracturing performance with minimal risk—in a wide range of your well applications.

Get assured fracturing performance from a proven, versatile fluid

Incorporating a high-performance, borate-crosslinked  guar polymer as its core chemistry, Spectra Frac fluids have a high apparent viscosity that allows them to improve proppant transport—at high pH ranges and temperatures as high as 300° F (149°C).

Spectra Frac fluids also use a proprietary complexor and breaker chemistry to help achieve customizable crosslink and breaktimes. Crosslink times can be formulated from 15 seconds to 3 minutes, thus minimizing your hydraulic horsepower requirements while still delivering proppant along long laterals.

And with its internal break mechanism, which can be enhanced by EnZyme™ and HighPerm™ breaker technologies, you’re assured maximum fracture conductivity and reduced formation damage.

Spectra Frac fluids also help reduce your in-field treatment costs thanks to its compatibility with most mix water and operational flexibility that allows both batch-mix or continuous-mix processes.

Discover how Spectra Frac can deliver optimum fracturing performance and achieve maximum stimulation effectiveness in your wells.

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