
Meeting your decommissioning and abandonment obligations is a costly and complex exercise. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has the expertise and experience to help you decommission your aging assets at lower costs and with less risk. 

We regularly develop and peer review decommissioning and abandonment strategies and provide regulatory support for lenders, insurers, majors, and national oil companies. 

For onshore and offshore assets alike, our detailed, in-house services help you:

  • Predict and assess the economic limits of oil and gas wells, fields, facilities, and pipelines. 
  • Review regulatory requirements and estimate costs for abandonment, site restoration, and environmental clean-up.
  • Evaluate abandonment options and forecast the best timing of abandonment/remediation activities.
  • Draw insights from incomplete data sets using our extensive experience and default values from wide-ranging data sources.
  • Evaluate the effect of satellite fields and marginal costs. 
  • Execute the optimal strategy while addressing environmental pressures and international standards and regulations. 

Contact your Baker Hughes representative to discuss ways to manage the complexity, costs, and risks of your end-of-life field options.

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