
  • Enhance plant availability and avoid costly shutdown
  • Optimize compressor performance with 75-MW electric motor driver
  • Pass very rigorous test campaign
  • Nine electric-motor-driven compressors guaranteeing ~14 MTPA of LNG with a record availability of 99.8%
  • Developed and patented a vibration control system to safely prevent torsional phenomena
  • Modularized solutions reduced time for site installation, commissioning and start-up

Case study details

With more than 30 years of extensive experience in LNG, Baker Hughes was asked to develop a fully electric solution for Freeport LNG's liquefaction and export project in south Texas. We helped expedite construction of main liquefaction trains 2 and 3, utilizing a total of nine centrifugal compression shaft-lines, each driven by a 75-MW electric motor. The compressors are fully integrated with the variable-speed motors, and guarantee approximately 14 MTPA of LNG with a record availability of 99.8%.


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