
In wells with critical fracture gradients, our spacer technology enables the use of standard slurry designs and densities where highly extended or special lightweight slurries were previously required.

SealBond™ cement spacer systems minimize filtrate invasion, damage, and induced losses while cementing. Based on ultralow-invasion fluid technology, they form a barrier at the wellbore wall to strengthen the wellbore for long-term zonal isolation. With the system’s near 100% return permeability property, formation integrity is maintained for optimized production.

The SealBond™ Plus additive enhances the spacer system’s performance in cases of severe or total loss of returns. This additive allows a SealBond spacer to adhere to the lost circulation zone(s).

Our SealBond Plus technology is a proprietary blend of 100% organic, biodegradable, lost- circulation materials. The field-proven blend has been used to seal losses in formations with permeabilities up to 3,500 darcies.

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