
Understanding resource maturation is critical to portfolio management. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory sharpens this understanding by helping you develop internally consistent definitions and measures.

We use commonly accepted definitions such as the Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) to provide transparency to resource maturation classifications. This transparency helps you clearly communicate each project’s current resource maturation sub-classes to management, key decision-makers, and external stakeholders.

GaffneyCline energy advisory’s experts draw on extensive international experience to help you define and implement resource maturation systems that describe the controls governing reserve and resource estimation, approval, and reporting. Where necessary, we also help you develop transparency on different volumes’ classification and project maturity.

Ultimately, our approach, supplemented by quantitative estimates of the chance of commerciality, helps you manage and optimize project opportunities at various development stages. 

Contact your Baker Hughes representative to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisory can help improve your portfolio management with clear resource maturation reporting. 

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