
  • Gain detailed insights into subsurface pressure and stress changes during field production 
  • Determine the risks to well completions and surface facilities caused by reservoir compaction and surface subsidence 
  • Improve your analysis of fault stabilities and sand production potential 


  • Casing integrity analysis 
  • Risk analysis of surface/seafloor deformations due to depletion 
  • Stress path definition of the reservoir  
  • Assessment of potential development of normal faulting around the reservoir 


Compaction and subsidence analysis is critical to understanding pressure declines and stress changes as a reservoir undergoes depletion. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory brings decades of analysis experience and the modeling and insights of Baker Hughes subsurface experts to help you accurately assess and mitigate compaction and subsidence risks.  

Our analysis begins by simulating pressure-stress conditions based on a previously constructed geomechanical model. Because reservoir rocks exhibit elasto-plastic behavior, we simulate the loading history for the entire reservoir, starting with initial pre-production conditions.  

Our calculations give you valuable insights into how principal stresses evolve with time during field production. We compare the stresses during depletion with the corresponding leak-off, micro-frac, and other hydraulic fracturing tests.  

We then determine the amount of stress reduction under depletion in the reservoir by building a stress path using a 4D, finite-element (FE) dynamic model. Understanding the degree of stress reduction is essential for analyzing fault stability and sanding potential. 

The FE simulation computes deformations and displacements in the reservoir and overburden, which are then used to determine reservoir compaction and surface subsidence. By comparing these values to published industry thresholds or site-specific data, you can accurately determine the potential risk to your completion and surface facilities.  

Contact your Baker Hughes representative to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisory can help you minimize the risks of compaction and subsidence on your production infrastructure.  

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