


  • Ensure compliance with well integrity regulations
  • Reduce risk of zonal communication
  • Minimize nonproductive time

  • Cement top determination and mapping of cement placement
  • Deepwater wells with a variety of cement or fluid conditions
  • Heavy wellbore fluid environments



Maximize your understanding of your wellbore’s zonal isolation with the Aperio™ Pulse Echo service from Baker Hughes. In just a single logging run, the service provides ultrasonic pulse echo mapping of the integrity of both your casing and the cement bond.


Get high-resolution measurements at every angle

The Aperio Pulse Echo service employs a rotating transducer to provide a high-resolution, 360-degree assessment. The transducer uses varying frequencies from 250 to 450 kHz to transmit and measure ultrasonic waveforms reflected from the casing and the cement to assess annular integrity. The resulting high-resolution circumferential casing and cement coverage data can detect defects or channels as narrow as 1.2-in. (30.5 mm).

The Aperio Pulse Echo service can also identify casing integrity problems by inspecting the casing for drill wear, ovality, and corrosion.

Post processing of the logs is integrated with the service’s acquisition software. The evaluation logs are available immediately after the run, reducing your nonproductive time and significantly shortening the time to make critical decisions to maintain well integrity.

Contact us today to learn more about how the Aperio Pulse Echo service can improve the understanding of your wellbore zonal isolation in a single run.

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