


  • Sets quickly and reliably in HP/HT wells
  • Easily deployable in both onshore and offshore applications

  • Onshore wells, offshore and deepwater wells
  • Bottomhole temperatures as high as 600°F (316°C) and pressures up to 40,000 psi (275.8 MPa)



The  XtremeSet™ cementing system from Baker Hughes is the solution to zonal isolation in your high pressure/high temperature (HP/HT) wells.


Ensure a quality cement job in the most demanding conditions

We understand that a single slurry does not fit all applications. That’s why the XtremeSet system is developed with unlimited design flexibility that takes HP/HT cement systems out of the lab and into the field.

The XtremeSet cementing system utilizes state-of-the-art cement pumping equipment, such as the Seahawk™ cement unit, to help ensure a quality cement job.

XtremeSet cement slurries are part of the Set for Life™ family of cement systems, which are designed to isolate and protect the targeted zone for the life of the well. These slurries can be blended with other systems in the family to help ensure long-term zonal isolation.

Contact us to learn how HP/HT cementing services from Baker Hughes can maximize the long-term performance of your HP/HT zonal isolation jobs.

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