

Overcome the deployment constraints of standard electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems with Zenith™ dual ESP and specialist completion systems. Our specially designed systems integrate with any manufacturer’s ESPs to effectively deliver on each of your well’s specific production requirements.


Optimize performance for any application

Backed by years of field experience and engineering expertise, our Zenith dual ESP and specialist completion systems are available in wide ranging configurations to address the deployment and production needs of every well.

  • For wells with casing integrity issues and corrosive fluids, casing protection ESP systems deploy an ESP inside a protective pod. The ESP/pod assembly is then stabbed into your lower packer, which acts to isolate and protect the upper casing from the corrosive well fluid. The pod enables the ESP to produce from below the packer by routing well fluid directly into the intake of the pump via the sealed pod unit. Multiple pods may be deployed to provide redundancy in the event of ESP failure.
  • For wells with high potential production rates, a parallel system uses two ESPs to maximize flow rate where a single ESP could not. Production from the two ESPs is combined at the Y-block in the upper ESP bypass assembly. And if one pump should prematurely fail, each ESP can produce to the surface independently at a reduced rate until a workover can be done to restore the failed pump.
  • For wells with lower productivity index values that require a large drawdown to overcome high back- pressure, dual boost ESP systems combine two ESPs in series. This design allows the two ESPs to share the number of stages and required horsepower. It also enables two smaller ESPs to perform the job where a single large ESP would normally be infeasible due to casing size, horsepower, or shaft strength limitations.
  • For wells with higher workover costs or access challenges, our dual back-up ESP systems allow for uninterrupted production. In the event of an ESP failure, a back-up ESP already deployed in the well is immediately switched on to maintain production. The second ESP is suspended below the upper ESP with a bypass assembly that provides a production path for the lower ESP. A Zenith™ Auto Y-tool enables automatic switching between the upper and lower ESPs. The tool also prevents circulation from upper to lower ESP and vice-versa, and protects the pumps from descending solids on shut-down.
  • Our dual-zone ESP completion systems are specially designed to optimize production from multiple zone wells. A dedicated ESP for each zone enables independent control of drawdown, while improving zone management, preventing cross-flow between zones, improving water management, and enabling individual production well tests on each zone. Our dual-zone systems also include commingling systems that combine production from dedicated ESPs for upper and lower zones, and dual-concentric systems that isolate upper and lower zone contributions to surface production facilities.
  • For a fully integrated, whole-well approach to your completion needs, the Zenith ZenWell™ completion system delivers significant monitoring and protection benefits. Our completion system combines unique tools and technologies such as tubing drain valves, fluid loss relief valves, E-series ESP monitoring, and Z-Sight™ auto well surveillance systems to unlock previously intangible benefits from your artificial lift operations. Our comprehensive completion system protects equipment from damage during shutdown, maximizes run life while reducing operating costs, optimizes production, and enables remote access and control for efficient field-wide management.

Which of these solutions might fit your needs? Contact us today to find the right Zenith dual ESP and specialist completion solution for your wells.

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