
After making an oil and gas discovery, your focus shifts to successfully developing the discovery for maximum value. Accurately quantifying petroleum reserves and selecting the best development option are fundamental to the success of your oil and gas investment.

GaffneyCline Energy Advisory has over 50 years of experience quantifying oil and gas reserves at all stages—from early exploration to mature field management.  Our multidisciplinary teams comprise experienced industry professionals with unrivaled, integrated advisory capabilities in fully understanding and optimally developing new resources.

Our experts cover the full subsurface spectrum of your resource assessment, from geologists and geophysicists to petrophysicists and reservoir engineers.  In addition, our facilities engineers, economists, market analysts, and financial modelers bring deep experience to help you select the most cost-effective development option given reserves, costs, market fundamentals, and fiscal terms.

GaffneyCline Energy Advisory’s experience goes deep and runs broad—both worldwide and across the industry value chain. Our expertise can support you throughout the production phase and in your interactions with lenders, investors, regulators, host governments, and other third parties.

Ultimately, working with GaffneyCline Energy Advisory puts you in an ideal position to maximize the performance and profitability of any type of oil and gas development, anywhere in the world.

Contact GaffneyCline Energy Advisory today to learn how we can help optimize the economics and long-term production of your new discoveries.

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