


  • Get high-resolution pressure/temperature readings in demanding downhole conditions
  • Optimize production rates, calculate reserves, and improve reservoir simulations
  • Install compact, flexible, permanent monitoring and eliminate well surveillance inter

  • Intelligent completions, both open hole and cased hole
  • Permanent wellbore monitoring in all producing well types—gas, oil, land, platform, and deepwater
  • Artificial lift optimization



Get the downhole data you need to optimize production and increase your well’s run life with SureSENS™ Electronic Well Monitoring systems from Baker Hughes. Our experience, amassed over years of many challenging field deployments, and an aggressive in-house test program has resulted in a reliable, compact, flexible permanent monitoring system.

Baker Hughes has a range of SureSENS electronic well monitoring options that span the range of your well applications, from the most complex deepwater wells to cost-effective, brownfield applications. Our applications experts will work with you to find the right monitoring solution best suited to your particular application and environmental conditions.


Select a system for your needs

Our SureSENSTM QPT ELITE (Quartz Pressure and Temperature) gauge is qualified for reliable operation in high-pressure/high-temperature (HP/HT) well applications and for a run life of more than 20 years. It includes the ELITE electronics package, built upon our industry-leading STAR hybrid electronic package design. The ELITE electronics package incorporates an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), which ensures a new level of reliability to your measurements. The gauge is available in three configuration options—a single, dual, and triple gauge.

The SureSENSTM QPT ELITE ESP (Electric Submersible Pump) gauge gives you a reliable means to accurately maintain your established well pressures and measure fluid temperatures while optimizing production rates and reserve recovery. The gauge delivers critical data on pump intake pressure, inlet fluid temperature, motor winding temperature, and system vibration – all aimed at extending your ESP’s run life and performance. You can also measure differential pressures in applications such as fluid characterization or flowmeter applications.

The SureSENSTM SPTV (Strain, Pressure, Temperature, and Vibration) electronic permanent gauge system delivers critical data on wellbore pressure, temperature, and vibration–all aimed at increasing your run life and optimizing production. The system’s flexible configuration lets you take redundant readings and select a number of parameter measurements, from single-point zonal pressure measurements to multiple-point pressure measurements (for multiple zone or intelligent applications).

The SureSENSTM SP (Strain, Pressure) gauge is a cost-effective, permanent system that delivers the wellbore pressure data you need to increase run life, optimize production, and eliminate well surveillance interventions. The SureSENS SP system can monitor annular pressure or be installed on a mandrel ported to the tubing. The system interprets and logs your pressure data and then distributes it via a 4- 20mA controller at surface.


Get accurate downhole data, when and where you need it

Count on our application experts to install the SureSENS gauge in your well for your specific data collection requirements. While the application specifics change from well to well, the overall goal remains the same – to ensure that each gauge delivers high-quality data and enables real-time control.

Each SureSENS gauge is connected from downhole to surface in the same way. The gauges are connected back to surface via a Tubing Encapsulated Conductor (TEC) cable. The TEC exits the well via a specialized junction box called a Wellhead Outlet (WHO).

A surface cable then connects the WHO to the SureSENS Surface Data Acquisition (SDA) system. The cabling is terminated to the appropriate point within the SureSENS SDA system and the SDA system’s electronics provide the power and communications interface to the SureSENS gauges downhole.

SureSENS SDA software converts the raw data retrieved from your gauges into readable values, such as pressure in pounds-per-square inch (PSI) and temperature in degrees Celsius. The software also calculates flow based on the differential pressure measurements from the gauges mounted on the flowmeter carrier and from your own PVT data.

The SDA system stores your data and makes it available in real time on your Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or database system. With this real-time information at your command, you can make faster, more informed decisions to ensure that your well is producing at its peak levels.

Contact us to learn how SureSENS Electronic Well Monitoring systems can optimize your well management and long-term production plans.


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