


  • Protect profits by removing plant bottlenecks
  • Prevent costly upsets
  • Ensure environmental compliance

  • Wastewater treatment plants



Optimize your wastewater treatment plant’s efficiency and prevent plant upsets with wastewater treatment solutions from Baker Hughes. Our proactive approach removes plant bottlenecks and treats process effluent before it reaches the plant. The result: increased plant reliability and assured environmental compliance.


Boost plant performance and profitability

Today’s complex crude oil blends contain increased concentrations of oil-entrained solids, phenols, sulfides, heavy metals, and other contaminants. And if your wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) can’t keep up, these contaminants will likely lead to operational bottlenecks.

Even if you achieved adequate liquids/solids separation a few years ago, challenges constantly arise to threaten your WWTP’s performance. Increased environmental regulatory fines, elevated costs from reduced system performance, depressed revenue from lower production, and even plant shutdowns all present challenges.

Our wastewater treatment solutions help avoid these dilemmas. Our predictive approach, which includes proven technologies and operational expertise gained from process-side treating, improves the overall reliability of your hydrocarbon-processing plant in several ways:

  • Remove profit-slashing plant bottlenecks. Refinery WWTPs are challenged by oil-entrained solids in the desalter effluent. Water treatment in petrochemical plants is often hindered by process unit waste stream contaminants like ammonia. Our wastewater treatment programs and services target these challenges to prevent plant bottlenecks and optimize both production and profits.
  • Minimize upsets. Our application experts help you prevent WWTP disruptions by predicting the likelihood of contaminant problems before they occur. By troubleshooting equipment configurations, making operational suggestions, and deploying chemical treatment programs, we’ll help you maximize your wastewater system performance.
  • Achieve or maintain environmental compliance. WWTPs are once-through applications with fluctuating inputs requiring treatment flexibility. Through rigorous monitoring and control, our treatment programs help you maintain environmental compliance—reliably and cost effectively.

Contact us to learn how our wastewater treatment solutions can help you maximize system performance while returning cleaner water to the environment.


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