machinery monitoring systems, condition monitoring, condition monitoring systems, condition monitoring solutions, condition monitoring equipment, bently nevada

Adapt 過速度検知のような世界クラスの緊急遮断デバイスの形で機械保護が必要な場合でも、3500 システムを介して数千ものプラントで実現している安心が必要な場合でも、各種診断機能をすべて揃えたポータブルアプリケーションの場合でも、ベントリー・ネバダの機械保護ソリューションは、基本的にあらゆる産業機械アプリケーションの機械設備保護に対応します。


勿論、これらすべてのデータをソートし、リアルタイムで実測値を提示する必要があります。ベントリー・ネバダの主力ソフトウェアソリューションであるSystem 1*は、すべての機械監視データを取得し、直感的で操作性に優れたインターフェイスを経由して完全にカスタマイズ可能な形式で提供します。そのため、十分な情報に基づいて実行可能な決定を下し、計画外停止を回避し、保全作業を管理し、計画できるようになります。






このアプリをぜひ確認ください! ベントリー・ネバダのハードウェア、ソフトウェア、およびサービスは、お客様のニーズを念頭に設計されています。百聞は一見にしかずと言います。ベントリー・ネバダは、お客様のすべての設備資産を確認、診断、そして保守するための最適な方法を提供することに情熱を傾けています。

ここからアプリを開いて、すべての機器がどのように接続されるのかを確認いただき、業界の最新成功事例をご覧いただき、状態監視の価値を確認してください - 右の画像をクリックの上、ベントリー・ネバダのまったく新しいソリューションをご覧ください。

Bently Nevada Machinery Monitoring Solutions
Condition Monitoring

Bently Nevada's online condition monitoring systems allow you to perform long-term monitoring of your assets' health, enabling planning for timely & cost-effective intervention, before faults occur. Bently Nevada offers a comprehensive suite of condition monitoring hardware paired with the industry's most innovative condition monitoring softwareSystem 1.

Featured Solutions:

Trendmaster - Continuous Vibration Monitoring System 

Ranger Pro - Wireless Condition Monitoring Sensor System 

SCOUT - Portable Vibration Analyzers & Data Collectors

AnomAlert - Motor Condition Monitoring Device

vbOnline Pro - Gear Train & Roller Bearing Vibration Monitoring

Wireless Condition Monitoring

Bently Nevada's Ranger Pro offers a wireless vibration sensor and condition monitoring system that allows users to collect exceptional condition monitoring data from hard-to-reach machines or hazardous areas, without the need for expensive field wiring. The data quality is so good that diagnosis can generally be made directly, without the need for portable devices to acquire additional data.

Ranger Pro - Wireless Condition Monitoring Sensor System (with Triaxial Sensors)

Machinery Protection

Protect your critical machine assets with Bently Nevada's line of online machinery protection systems. Our systems continually monitor the vibration levels of your critical assets, alerting you or even shutting down equipment if predetermined levels are exceeded. These systems go well beyond essential protection function, allowing for long-term asset health monitoring and advanced maintenance planning for timely & cost-effective intervention before faults occur. 

Distributed Vibration Monitoring

Distributed systems are designed to be mounted close to the machine they are monitoring thereby reducing costly field wiring. They then use networks to bring data in from multiple devices for central monitoring. The comprehensive Bently Nevada range of distributed condition monitoring systems covers the spectrum from high-performance protection systems to cost-effective wireless condition monitoring solutions. 

See all of our Distributed Machine Condition Monitoring and Protection Systems

Featured Solutions

3701/40 - Machinery Dynamics Monitor 

vbOnline Pro - Gear Train & Bearing Vibration Monitoring Device

Trendmaster Pro - Online Vibration Monitoring System for Medium Criticality Machinery

1900/65A - Equipment Monitoring System

2300 -  2-Channel Vibration Monitor

Orbit 60 - Advanced Machine Condition Monitoring and Protection System

Portable Vibration Analyzers & Data Collectors

Our extensive family of portable data collectors and analyzers allow you to take our powerful diagnostic capabilities to all assets in your plant. Their advanced processing typically allows existing faults to be diagnosed quickly, or even detected months before intervention is required. And all this at a cost-per-asset that no other technology can compete with.

Learn how our portable vibration monitoring systems and equipment give you more options for asset condition monitoring.

Featured Solutions:

SCOUT: Portable Vibration Analyzer

ADRE: Data Acquisition & Machine Diagnostic System 

Rack-Based Solutions

These are centralized systems, in which sensor wiring is routed back to a modular monitoring system mounted in a control room or cabinet. Bently Nevada has two separate choices in our rack monitoring system types, the industry-proven and tested 3500, and the soon-to-be-released Orbit 60 - the future of machinery monitoring.

Featured Solutions

3500 - Machinery Protection System 

Orbit 60 - Next Generation Rack-Based or Distributed Online Condition Monitoring & Protection System

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