
GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has the expertise and insights to help governments attract international capital and develop their national energy assets. With unparalleled, industry-leading experience, our teams help government ministries privatize their producing assets and manage working relationships with foreign or private oil and gas companies.  

Our technical and commercial experts work with national oil companies (NOCs) and their investment bankers, accountants, and lawyers to develop sound contractual and regulatory frameworks. We help customers assemble the optimum asset data packages and roll out their offerings through multi-asset bidding rounds involving roadshows, meetings, and investor negotiations. 

GaffneyCline energy advisory’s team of experts adopts a multidisciplinary approach to designing, managing, and implementing the bid round licensing process. This process support encompasses technical assessments, economic and fiscal analysis, contract development, detailed marketing, and logistical planning and execution. 

Contact your local Baker Hughes representative to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisory can help you manage licensing rounds that maximize the value of your assets.  

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