
Business disputes arise across the oil and gas value chain for numerous technical and commercial reasons. For more than 60 years, GaffneyCline™ energy advisory has used its far-reaching expertise in all oil and gas disciplines to help clients find equitable solutions for the most complex matters of dispute.

Providing clarity in commercial disputes 

GaffneyCline energy advisory routinely represents clients all along the oil and gas spectrum—from E&P and well construction to marketing and sales to pipelines and downstream—to resolve challenges on a broad range of issues, including:  

  • Price disagreements
  • Definitional disagreements
  • Contractual interpretation
  • Loss or gain estimation
  • Valuation
Assisting arbitrators and legal teams 

GaffneyCline energy advisory’s integrated commercial teams and Baker Hughes technical experts provide arbitration and legal assistance. Acting as an independent advisor or as a member of an arbitration panel, our services include:

  • Analyzing the merits and weaknesses of complex technical and commercial arguments to condense impartial opinions into clear, cohesive submissions. 
  • Testifying as an expert witness and offering expert opinions to a client’s legal teams at any stage of the legal process. 
  • Offering research and analysis to help prepare cases for court proceedings and arbitration hearings across any jurisdiction, from the International Chamber of Commerce to courts of law in various countries.
  • Providing expert opinion and guidance to in-house legal teams, including advising on arguments in the early stages to inform the direction of the case.

Contact your Baker Hughes representative to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisory can help resolve your business disputes with expert, impartial analysis and opinions.

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