


  • Meet compliance and certification requirements with rapid-response services
  • Minimize business impact by quickly resolving any off-spec challenges
  • Increase flexibility by choosing from a wider range of oil commodities with no loss of value

  • Storage, transportation, and handling of crude oils, feedstocks, and fuels

When your petroleum cargo can’t be unloaded because it’s off specification, count on PREPARED TO RESPOND(P2R) services from Baker Hughes to provide a fast, targeted solution. Our on-site, additive treatment program quickly resolves specification challenges to get your cargo moving again.


Expand your options

By resolving your petroleum supply and trading challenges effectively and efficiently, P2R services minimize the effect on the rest of your business to help maximize your profits. And by coupling rapid response service with patented, proven technologies, P2R services gives you the flexibility to choose from a wider range of oil commodities. You can more confidently select and handle crude oils and fuels that you were reluctant to purchase in the past.

P2R services deliver:

• Additive inventory in strategic locations around the world

• Self-contained service trailers and pump systems ready to deploy

• Technical service teams at your site, in as little as a few hours

• Additive approval certification for REACH, pipelines, and other global approval requirements

• 100% safety record for additive treatment delivery


Get expert assistance, anywhere in the world

Our trained P2R services professionals respond quickly to your needs. We operate around the world from strategically located sites near major ports, terminals, refining centers, and trade routes so you can move product quickly, meet delivery deadlines, and increase profitability.

It doesn’t matter if your product is in a storage tank, a dockside barge, or offshore on a tanker. Fully trained P2R technical teams quickly arrive on-site to collect samples, have them analyzed, and deliver the right turnkey additive treatments to bring your product back on-spec—within all safety and environmental compliance regulations. This all happens within hours, not days, from the initial phone call.


Reduce your risk, raise your revenue

P2R services gives you fuel-specific, tailor-made additives that maximize the value of your particular product. And you get this reliable, proven service from a single-source supplier. You don’t have to do your own exhaustive research on additive properties, or take your chances on unproven, and potentially harmful, additives from less-than-reliable vendors.

P2R services often raises your product’s market value while bringing it back on-spec. For fuel shipments with high basic sediment and water (BS&W), our proven demulsifier treatments can bring your BS&W levels below 1% within a matter of days. Fuel traders have successfully used our demulsifier strategies to increase the value of their cargo by more than 20% in many instances.

Whatever your situation, our select product inventories, extensive equipment, and well-trained people can competently and quickly handle the most difficult situations. With more than 70 years of experience treating crude oils, feedstocks, and fuels, we offer you a unique combination of technical, operational, and regulatory experience.

Contact us today to learn how the PREPARED TO RESPOND services can help you capture the full value of your oil cargoes, each and every time.

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