


  • Minimize pump downtime
  • Avoid expensive production interruptions
  • Avoid gas locking and costly interventions and repairs

  • Unconventional oil wells
  • Conventional wells with high gas-to-oil ratios
  • Wells with quickly changing flow rates



Prevent costly production interruptions while overcoming challenges with free gas in your electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems with the Gas Avoider™ pump intake from Baker Hughes.


Get assured gas mitigation in any well orientation

Part of the ProductionWave™ solution for unconventional oil wells, the Gas Avoider intake is designed to minimize the impact of gas on your ESPs while maximizing performance.

During system installation, the intake’s gravity cups swivel to close off upper entry ports. This allows gas to migrate past the intake while the lower gravity cups open to allow entry of higher amounts of fluid.

The Gas Avoider intake keeps gas from entering the pump, regardless of your ESP system’s orientation in the well ports. The intake works effectively in both a tangent section as well as a horizontal section.

Gravity orients intake to the bottom, where the liquid rides, while the gas rides high. In a wide range of installations in unconventional wells thus far, the Gas Avoider pump intake demonstrates a reduction in gas slugging as gas slug moves on the high side.

Contact us to learn how the Gas Avoider pump intake can keep your ESP running at peak efficiency with minimal gas ingress.

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