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View & Voices

Transform today’s challenges into opportunities: Federica

Annual Meeting 2016

Views & Voices: transform today’s challenges into opportunities: Federica

Transform today’s challenges into opportunities: Federica

We aim at promoting Italy’s manufacturing industry by leveraging on our innate skills as well as on ad-hoc policies that we are developing. Italy will not let the opportunity of Industry 4.0 go wasted: we want to take a primary role in the global move towards the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. And we want to help Italian businesses to understand and fully exploit the potential from the digitalization of industrial processes.

Energy demand is growing both in quantity and in quality. The world will demand more and more energy, which will have to be cleaner and cleaner. GE understood this and acted accordingly. GE technologies meet the highest quality standards: they are a great achievement of GE as well as proof of what ‘made in Italy’ means.