Precision control for a machine shop quality finish
Our downhole electric cutting tool (DECT) cuts oilfield tubulars with precision control leaving a machine shop quality finish. The remaining pipe can easily be fished using industry standard techniques, removing the need for subsequent cleanup operations. The depth of penetration is accurately controlled, preventing damage to external casing strings, and enabling packer retrieval operations to be undertaken.
The DECT can be deployed on mono-conductor wireline, and depth correlation is achieved with an analogue casing collar locator (CCL), or by incorporating a no-go device into the toolstring.
You control the tool operation with a laptop and control panel at the surface. When the tool is positioned on-depth, anchors are set and the cutting operation is initiated. The rotating cutting head is located at the bottom of the tool. During the operation, cutting speed, cut penetration, and downhole microphone response are monitored in real time, and provide a clear indication of a successful cut. The approximate cutting time for a 5-in. 19.5 lb/ft drillpipe is four minutes.
- Cuts pipe in either tension or compression
- No requirement for subsequent cleanup operations
- Cuts all grades of low and high alloy steels
- Operates in gas, oil, brine, or drilling mud
- Perform multiple cuts during a single run
- Cuts pipe in all orientations, from vertical to horizontal sections
- Can be redressed at wellsite, providing simple maintenance
- Contains no hazardous materials, making it helicopter transportable
- Cuts all types of 4 ½-in. 5-in., and 5 ½-in. tubing (including 13 CR) and casing
- Works well for packer release, where precisely controlled a cut is required