What factors influence image quality?

What factors influence image quality?

What factors influence image quality?
The factors that influence image quality are:
  1. Contrast
  2. Unsharpness
  3. Graininess

1 Contrast depends on:

  • Radiation energy (hardness)
  • Variation in thickness
  • Backscatter
  • Front- and back screen
  • Film-screen combination
  • Film-screen contact
  • Defect location, depth as well as orientation

2 Unsharpness depends on:

  • Size of focus
  • Thickness of the object
  • Source-to-film distance
  • Radiation energy (hardness)
  • Film-screen combination
  • Film-screen contact

3 Graininess depends on:

  • Type of film
  • Type of screen
  • Developing procedure
  • Radiation energy (hardness)

What is radiation hardness and film contrast?