Reliable power for every application

A reliable power supply is critical for all types of subsea processing activities—especially if your project faces challenges such as long tie-backs, multiple loads, deepwater, harsh conditions or operation in sensitive areas. Baker Hughes can supply fully integrated AC power solutions for all types of applications, from the simplest single-load scenario to long step-out systems in deepwater with multiple, high-power loads. The typical lead time for our high-voltage power connectors is nine months.


Unique integrated portfolio

As a pioneer of subsea power, we designed and qualified the world’s first subsea power transmission, supply and distribution system for Shell’s Ormen Lange Pilot in Norway. Today, the systems we design are integrated using our unique portfolio of high-voltage (HV) connection systems. Our MECON electric connectors are available up to 145 kV and 1800A, covering the full range of power requirements used in subsea processing systems.


Maximum installation efficiency

Our power systems include everything from topside drive systems and integrated HV subsea connection systems to multi-port switchgears and standalone circuit breakers. We provide subsea variable speed drive solutions, 5 MVA to 20 MVA subsea transformer modules, and the controls and monitoring capability you need. Our field-proven systems are designed for maximum installation efficiency and long-term operating reliability—and can be tailored to meet your project needs.


145kV dry-mate connection systems

To transfer electrical power from onshore or offshore hosts to subsea equipment, our 145 kV dry-mate connection system can provide multi-megawatt transfer over more than 100 km. It is currently the only high-power connection system in the market fully qualified for operation above 100 kV, and is qualified for 700A and down to 3,609 ft (1,100 m). The solution is currently in operation and classified as Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7.


36 kV dry and wet-mate connection systems

Our 36 kV connection systems are the most efficient transmission solution for medium tie-back distances in the multi-megawatt range required for subsea processing. The 36 kV systems are also used together with subsea switchgears and variable speed drives to provide full distribution systems where multiple loads are fed through a single cable to reduce cost. These systems come in both dry-mated and wet-mated configurations and are fully qualified up to 700A and down to 10,000 ft (3,048 m). The dry-mate system is currently in operation and classified as TRL 7. The wet-mate system is classified as TRL 4.


12 kV supply systems

Baker Hughes has market-leading technology for supplying power to subsea compressors, pumps, and auxiliary systems, including qualified wet-mate connections at 12 kV and 1800A, which is sufficient to feed the biggest compressors in the market.


Features and benefits include:
  • Higher production rates and increased volume
  • Production from fields without natural flow
  • Power modules placed in 1-atmospheric enclosures with integrated cooling for constant and well-known operating environments for electronics
  • Patented mating mechanism for wet-mate connectors to ensure process control and system integrity during high-voltage operation
  • Typical lead time of nine months


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