
With the Intelligent Chemistry service, you can more easily identify opportunities to reduce field risks and ensure asset integrity—keeping your people and equipment safe while lowering your carbon emissions.


Reduce your carbon footprint with digital innovations

Automated chemical injection solutions such as our INTELLISWEET™ automated H2S management solution utilize remote, real-time monitoring to precisely measure H2S and rapidly adjust dosage requirements, all without the requirement of human intervention.  Additionally, our remotely operated, automated smart batch treatment system delivers agile treatments and eliminates the need for treater-truck batch treatment.  And with our SENTRYNET™ remote tank monitoring solution combined with our real-time delivery management system, you’ll be able to optimize your field support and delivery scheduling to remote wells, minimizing your personnel’s trips to the field and lowering transport miles on the road.  


Identify major risks with fast access to field information

Intelligent Chemistry gives you several options to assess asset data quickly to stay ahead of operational risks. The field data capture app provides real-time visibility of test data, which you can use to make decisions that streamline field support activities and minimize personnel exposure on site.

Our data visualization and real-time analytics system tracks your asset performance, identifies anomalies, and predicts long-term asset integrity concerns—giving you detailed insights to target your treatment programs based on risk and opportunity.

And in your refinery’s desalter unit, our real-time desalting system gives you predictive monitoring capabilities that you can use to anticipate upset conditions and respond quickly.

Contact us to learn how the Intelligent Chemistry service can limit your risk exposure—both up- and downstream.


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