
Remote Collaboration in Nondestructive Testing: Technological Innovations


The primary objectives of manufacturers of nondestructive testing (NDT) instruments and systems are to enhance the quality and accuracy of inspections, reduce inspection times to lower costs, increase productivity, and facilitate the work of inspectors. The aviation sector, in particular, faces significant challenges due to the increasing complexity of components requiring inspection and the gradual decline in the number of highly qualified inspection personnel. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these challenges, with in-house NDT staff now tasked with unfamiliar inspection duties while adhering to increasingly stringent compliance requirements and inspecting components made from new materials. 

In response to these challenges, a new generation of “smart” instrumentation and associated software has emerged, providing remote expert assistance in the inspection process. 

Remote Assistance in Nondestructive Testing 

Remote collaboration for NDT personnel can now be facilitated in two key areas: support during the inspection process itself and expert guidance in the evaluation and management of inspection data. 

Menu Directed Inspection (MDI) 

Menu Directed Inspection (MDI) is a technology that optimizes the inspection process by guiding NDT technicians through each workflow step, from instrument calibration to result reporting. MDI utilizes asset-specific inspection plans from previous inspections, automatically applying rich data tags to the collected data. This system eliminates the need for manual note-taking, which can lead to errors and false readings. 

Expert Guidance Through Remote Collaboration 

The InspectionWorks software platform addresses the challenges of today’s complex inspection environment by bringing on-site training directly to NDT technicians. This platform enables real-time communication with remote experts through two-way chats and screen sharing. Remote experts can assess complex indications in real time, thereby reducing time, cost, and the likelihood of errors. Additionally, InspectionWorks serves as a secure, cloud-based repository for encrypted inspection data, ensuring that all results are readily accessible. Historical results can be quickly compared to support preventative maintenance routines. The platform also offers a library of inspection routines as "Apps," which can be rapidly deployed to streamline inspection workflows. 

Remote Collaboration in NDT Technologies 

Nondestructive testing is a diverse discipline that employs various technologies. Two technologies that particularly benefit from remote collaboration are ultrasonic inspection (UT) and remote visual inspection (RVI). 

Ultrasonic Inspection Instruments 

Ultrasonic inspection has evolved significantly from the traditional 6dB drop method of sizing defects. Modern Ultrasonic Phased Array Testing (PAUT) systems are highly complex and require extensive training for inspectors. These systems are designed to gather vast amounts of data for various applications, which can lead to inconsistencies in procedures, increased costs, and reduced efficiency. 

The Krautkrämer Mentor UT from Waygate Technologies represents a significant advancement in ultrasonic inspection. As the first UT device to seamlessly integrate with InspectionWorks, it enables wireless connectivity and live streaming, with pre-installed probe kits and inspection apps. The Mentor Create desktop software platform further allows users to create or customize inspection apps tailored to specific testing procedures and experience levels. The Mentor portfolio is expected to expand later this year with the addition of a new UT instrument. 

Remote Visual Inspection Instruments 

Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) is extensively used in aviation maintenance, particularly in engine inspections. Despite advancements such as TrueSightTM, which provides clearer, sharper images and videos, HD-enabled digital zoom for inspecting minute indications, and Real3DTM for mapping, measuring, and analyzing indications on a fully surfaced point cloud, live expert assessment remains necessary in some cases. InspectionWorks can be paired with the Mentor Visual iQ VideoProbe from Waygate Technologies to provide this expert guidance. 


Aircraft maintenance remains a critical necessity, even in these challenging times. Planes that are still in operation require thorough inspections to ensure they are fit for service, while grounded aircraft must be prepared for the resumption of duties. Remote collaboration has become an essential tool in any inspection and maintenance regime, enabling the aviation sector to meet its rigorous standards efficiently and effectively.