Case Study

Transforming Petrochemical Industry


Robotic solutions to conduct remote inspection of pressure vessels and aboveground storage tanks widely used in the oil, gas and petro-chemical industry.

Safe operation and continuous management

The PETROBOT project aims to develop a series of robotic solutions which can be used by inspectors to conduct remote inspection of pressure vessels and aboveground storage tanks widely used in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. The project also aims to open up the oil, gas and petrochemical markets for inspection robotics by developing new robotic inspection solutions and validating these in real world use cases, namely off-line internal inspection of pressure vessels and in-line inspection of aboveground storage tanks.


Pressure Vessels

PV’s are found in upstream, midstream and downstream systems. The many conditions in which PVs operate result in a wide range on inspection requirements. Inspection is therefore handled on a case-by-case basis, either using a time-based or a risk-based inspection approach.


Above Storage Tanks

Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) are designed to store fluids such as crude oil, intermediate and refined products, chemicals, waste products, water, and water/product mixtures. The vast majority of ASTs is constructed out of carbon steel and can be inspected by magnetic crawlers.


Robotic Inspection

Robotic inspection can provide significant advantages over current methods of inspection and have the ability to operate in hazardous, harsh and dirty environments. The petrochemical industry has just begun to explore the potential of robotic devices for these inspections.

See it in Action


This unique partnership approach ensures that processes such as pre-inspection cleaning, screening, inspection and engineering analysis can be carried out more efficiently and effectively.

The objectives of the PETROBOT project are:

  • to minimize the exposure of personnel to potentially hazardous conditions
  • to reduce downtime
  • to save resources by utilizing robotic technology


Project goals
  • Avoiding or minimizing the need for human entry into assets and thereby increasing safety
  • Ability to move humans farther away from hazardous environments and thereby enhancing their safety in the workplace.
  • Minimizing and shortening operational disruptions and asset downtime, which result from inspections
  • Eliminating or reducing costs associated with performing inspection tasks.


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