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Advancing Mobility: The Role of CT Inspection in Battery Quality Assurance


The increasing significance of electrification in modern society is undeniable. As the world intensifies efforts to decarbonize high-emission sectors—such as automotive, transportation, energy, and building heating—electrification has become essential. Central to this transition are batteries, whose production must scale dramatically to meet growing demand. For manufacturers, the challenge lies in increasing production while maintaining stringent quality standards. Industrial X-ray and computed tomography (CT) inspection systems provide crucial support in overcoming these challenges, offering competitive advantages in a rapidly evolving market. 

The Growth of Lithium-Ion Battery Production 

Among the sectors driving battery demand, the electric vehicle (EV) industry stands out, with lithium-ion batteries serving as its cornerstone. These batteries are not only the most powerful energy storage devices available but also the most complex. They are widely used in portable electronics, stationary power sources, and, increasingly, in EVs. Manufacturers face the dual pressures of enhancing battery capacity and lifespan while reducing charging times, all while adhering to rigorous safety and quality standards. 

Despite the maturity of lithium-ion technology in consumer electronics, the batteries designed for EVs remain in an earlier stage of development. Scaling up production of these batteries without compromising safety or quality presents significant challenges. In the laboratory, lithium-ion technology has matured, achieving impressive storage capacities and charging efficiencies. However, the transition from laboratory success to reliable mass production is fraught with difficulties, particularly when it comes to maintaining consistency across large-scale operations. 

Challenges in Mass Production 

The shift to mass production introduces a host of new challenges. One pressing issue is the variation in raw materials sourced from different suppliers, which can lead to inconsistencies in the manufacturing process. Additionally, manufacturers are under pressure to extend battery lifespan and improve energy efficiency without increasing weight or costs. Scrap rates remain high, with up to 30% of cells being discarded due to manufacturing flaws. The fast-paced development of new technologies, coupled with an exponential increase in demand, exacerbates these challenges, especially as the necessary raw materials become scarcer. 

The Role of CT Inspection in Battery Production 

Modern battery cell production occurs in large-scale facilities known as gigafactories, where complex manufacturing processes are employed. Advanced industrial inspection, particularly through nondestructive testing (NDT) methods such as X-ray and CT, plays a pivotal role in enhancing both productivity and quality. These technologies support quality control and failure analysis throughout a battery’s lifecycle—from research and development to the inspection of defective units in production. Fast CT inspection ensures reliable at-line and in-line production control, providing comprehensive checks on critical components. Moreover, CT inspection is invaluable in assessing end-of-life batteries for potential reuse. 

Every cell produced can be scanned for common faults, such as anode overhang, using CT technology. This allows manufacturers to detect and address multiple failure cases concurrently, reducing scrap and ensuring product safety. Anomalies detected through CT inspection are varied, ranging from foreign material inclusions and gas bubbles to welding defects and electrolyte inconsistencies. As battery modules grow in size and complexity, the need to inspect entire modules for issues such as resin filling, connections, and dimensional accuracy becomes increasingly critical. 

Automation and Speed in Inspection 

To meet rising demand and adapt to new technologies, battery manufacturers are increasingly turning to automation. Automated defect recognition (ADR) systems, enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are now capable of identifying defects with remarkable speed and accuracy. These systems are adaptable to various battery cell types and can be retrained to accommodate evolving technologies and materials. The software supports analysis of a wide range of defects, ensuring that batteries meet the highest performance standards. 

Collaboration with specialized partners and research institutions further enhances the capabilities of CT inspection technology. These partnerships are essential for advancing battery inspection at both the industrial and atomic levels, contributing to the development of safer, more efficient batteries. 


Industrial X-ray and CT inspection are indispensable technologies in the quest for safer and more efficient electrification in the mobility sector. By reducing scrap and ensuring the highest quality in battery production, these technologies support the transition to sustainable mobility. As battery manufacturers scale up production to meet the demands of the EV market, CT systems for micro- and nanofocus inspections, along with advanced at-line and in-line scanners, will play a crucial role in helping automotive OEMs decarbonize swiftly and sustainably.