We focus on the things that matter

Our planet performance snapshot highlights our biggest achievements from the past year.

Read more on our planet performance snapshot HERE.

We are driving emissions reductions
  • Our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions decreased by 28.3% from our 2019 base year. 
  • Our scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity decreased by 33.0% compared to the 2019 base year.
  • Our increase in sales and the product mix led to an 85.0% increase in our scope 3 emissions from our 2019 base year.
  • Our renewable energy increased 14.6% from our 2019 base year.


We are reducing our environmental footprint
  • We reduced the volume of waste generated by Baker Hughes by 7.9% compared to our 2022 base year.
  • We reduced our significant spills volume and chemical spills by 35.3% and 70.9%, respectively, compared to 2022.
  • Our total water withdrawal decreased by 7.2% to 2,984.4 Megaliters (ML) in 2023 from 3,214.3 ML in our 2022 base year.
  • The majority of species (275 out of 433) were categorized as least concern through the IUCN Red List



We are enabling our customers to be sustainable
  • By completing Lifecycle Assessments before product launch, we provide the transparency our customers need to be successful in a low-carbon world.
  • We are investing in sustainable energy technology, including hydrogen, geothermal, and CCUS, to advance long-term solutions for a lower-carbon era. We are growing our new energy portfolio and orders totaling $0.6 billion for Industrial and Energy Technology and $0.2 billion for Oilfield Services and Equipment.
  • In March 2023, we announced a memorandum of understanding with Ecopetrol to foster the use of geothermal energy in Colombia.

Our planet goals
Become a net-zero business by 2050
Enable our partners to thrive in a low-carbon world
Minimize the resources we use
Reduce spills and report them transparently
Become a net-zero business by 2050
Our aim is to achieve net-zero scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2050, with an interim goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030. 


We remain committed to reduce our customers operational emissions, which is why we are working to deliver innovative solutions to lower our scope 3 emissions by 2033.


Committed to reducing our GHG emissions
As an energy technology company, we strive to reduce our GHG emissions in all our operations. This will be achieved through increased energy efficiency and adoption of renewable electricity across our global facilities.
Enable our partners to thrive in a low-carbon world
We continued to make strides in reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2023, but we know we cannot help our customers meet their net zero goals without addressing our own scope 3 emissions.


Cordant Applications
Life Cycle Assessments
FastLCA is our proprietary tool developed by Baker Hughes to quantify the environmental footprint of our products and services. Our goal is to complete lifecycle assessments for >95% emission intensive products by 2026.
Minimize the resources we use
We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact across our facilities, through the services we provide at our customer sites, and in the communities where we operate.


Managing waste
Effective waste management is critical to sustainability and our operations. We aim to embed the principles of a circular economy in all aspects of our business.
water stewardship
Water stewardship
We are committed to conserving and protecting natural resources throughout the water cycle and effectively managing our withdrawal, consumption, and water discharge in water-stressed locations and elsewhere.
Reduce spills and report them transparently
As a company, we focus on addressing the root causes of spills through proactive measures, such as risk assessments, spill response planning, and regular preventative maintenance on equipment.


Reduce spills
Preventing and reducing spills
We have robust internal standards and processes to identify any risks of spills and have established control measures including secondary containment and other engineering controls.

Emissions reduction roadmap for successfully reaching our goals

Our sustainability strategy was developed to guide our transformation to bring our scope 1 and 2 emissions to net zero by 2050. By working collaboratively with employees across our business, we created an emissions reduction roadmap aimed at driving emissions out of our full value chain. 


Science-based targets aligned to achieving global net-zero by no later than 2050 and limiting warming to 1.5°C


Oversight and accountability for net-zero integrated in our operations

Corporate strategy

Embedded and aligned net-zero into company strategy

Enterprise transformation

Key operating model consideration in support of transformation

Supply chain

Transformed net-zero supply chain to build a low carbon ecosystem


Developed innovation and technologies to deliver net-zero


Substantial commitment and willingness to finance net-zero transformation


Communicating action and providing balanced information on progress against net-zero ambition


Enhancing the pace and scale of net-zero action through engaging with and influencing stakeholders across ecosystem

Scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions

We continued to focus on operational efficiency, facilities energy efficiency, fleet electrification, and renewable and nuclear energy in 2023. These key strategic levers served as our guideposts in identifying projects that will drive down our direct and indirect emissions while improving our performance.

Scope 1 emissions

*Values are rounded to nearest whole number for reporting.

Scope 1, Scope 2, market-based, location-based

Transitioning to renewables

In 2023, we continued our transition away from grid electricity powered by fossil fuels to renewable and non-emissive energy, where possible. Our emissions reduction strategy maintains the adoption of Renewable Energy Credits, Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origins, Zero Emissions Certificates or Environmental Attribute Certificates that come from a local market of electricity or Power Purchase Agreements.


We support nature-based climate and technology solutions to address emissions reduction. However, we have not and will not be using carbon offsets in our short- or mid-term sustainability goals.

Creating a roadmap to navigate the challenges of scope 3

scope 3 strategic levers
Strategic levers

The development of our scope 3 roadmap was influenced by stakeholders across the Company. The generation of projects and ideas is employee-driven and implemented through the power and enthusiasm of our newly launched scope 3 specific Carbon Out program.

Scope 3 emissions

Near-term scope 3 emissions targets and time-bound emissions reduction roadmaps were built by subject matter experts across the value chain, resulting in well-informed and actionable plans in 2023. 

Scope 3 emissions

*Due to rounding of displayed values, total percentage does not equal 100%.

Managing waste

Effective waste management is critical to sustainability and our operations. We aim to embed the principles of a circular economy in all aspects of our business. This means minimizing the materials and energy used during all production phases, reducing waste, and increasing recycling.

As part of our waste management program, we review and verify our waste management vendors for disposal, recycling, and treatment to verify these vendors comply with our strict waste management requirements. 

In addition, throughout 2023 experts in waste operations formed cross-business working groups focused on identifying opportunities for waste reduction. Waste checklists were created and piloted at top waste contributing sites with plans to replicate throughout the rest of the Company.


*Units in metric tons

Reducing spills

We are transparent in how spills are reported and tracked to identify potential trends or areas of focus. Our sites are required to report every spill and categorize accurately, regardless of the volume and if the contents were captured in secondary containment.

Spill volume reduced by 

Significant spills


Oil spills


Fuel spills


Waste spills


Chemical spills

Water stewardship

Responsible water stewardship and the protection of water stressed areas helps mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. As an organization, we are committed to conserving and protecting natural resources throughout the water cycle and effectively managing our withdrawal, consumption, and water discharge in water-stressed locations and elsewhere. 

Many of our operations and tests require the withdrawal and consumption of water. Still, due to the nature of our operations, it does not significantly impact water availability in the regions where we operate. 

To achieve our objective of minimizing the resources we use, we have committed to reducing our usage of water in our water-stressed sites by 2030.

water, withdrawn, consumed, discharged

Protecting biodiversity and natural capital

We are committed to minimizing our adverse impacts on biodiversity, protected areas, and areas of significant biological value at or near all our operational sites. We endeavor to minimize our environmental footprint, conserve natural habitats, and protect and restore ecosystems through nature-based projects. Our conservation efforts focus on internal standards for establishing sites in new areas, sound environmental practices throughout our existing operations, employee volunteer efforts, and foundation grants to support environmental efforts.

As part of our commitment to biodiversity, our strategy aims to assess 100% of sites on biodiversity risk by 2030 and implement risk management programs for any identified high-risk sites. In 2023, we started training and awareness initiatives to progress this, with more engagements planned to achieve our strategic outcome.  

Lifecycle Assessments

Completing lifecycle assessments for >95% of our most emission intensive products by 2026

FastLCA is our proprietary tool used to quantify the environmental footprint throughout all lifecycle stages of our products and services. The tool is aligned to ISO 14040/44 and ISO 14067:2018 and provides our customers verified GHG emissions footprint of the assessed products and/or systems.

Emissions abatement for our value chain

Baker Hughes has more than 40 proven emissions management technologies that result in emission reduction, with solutions available from the reservoir to midstream and downstream. This includes gas technology solutions and upgrades that can extend equipment life, enhancing availability and performance while contributing to further emissions reductions.

In 2023, we continued to focus on enhancing equipment efficiency, starting from the design phase, including looking at innovative materials for manufacturing, because increased efficiency ultimately leads to less emissions. At Baker Hughes, we are committed to doing our part by reducing potential methane leaks across the upstream, midstream and downstream gas value chain.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

At Baker Hughes, we recognize the challenges of climate change, but we also see the opportunities for growth that stem from a resource-constrained but innovative world. To position ourselves for long-term success, our business, in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, developed quantitative analyses of physical and transition risk due to climate change. These analyses helped provide more insight on diverse implications of changing climate on our business over three time horizons: short-term (5 years), medium-term (5-10 years), and long-term (beyond 10 years).

Sponsorship of the United Nations (UN) 28th Conference of Parties (COP28)

Climate change is a real and existential challenge of our time. We see its effects impacting the global economy and how we live daily. The global stocktake completed in 2023 by the UN COP28 underscored the importance of action meeting stated emission reduction ambitions. The urgency to act has never been clearer. Our sponsorship of COP28 is a testament to our commitment to emissions reduction and supporting a more sustainable, resilient energy future.

Planet spotlights on progress

Find more information about how we are aligning with UN SDGs HERE:



UN SDG 6.3
UN SDG Target 6.3

Reducing spills at our sites by 2035

In 2023, we inspected ~98% of tanks at our sites and repaired all deficiencies found and performed preventative maintenance. These routine inspections serve a vital role as they protect our employees, sites and communities from possible water contamination and the release of hazardous substances.

UN SDG Target 7.4

Low carbon solutions

We have made strategic investments in Baseload Capital, an entity that funds the deployment of geothermal heat and power and lays the groundwork for funding opportunities for development and operation while propelling next-generation geothermal technologies from pilot stages to commercial scale. Read more on page 93 of our Corporate Sustainability Report.

UN SDG Target 9.4

Reducing emissions

In Brazil, our team led a project to decrease our emissions on our Blue Marlin vessel utilizing variable frequency. Variable frequency maximizes fuel efficiency by rotating the propeller at a slower, variable rate, thereby burning less fuel and reducing emissions by ~14%.


UN SDG 12.5
UN SDG Target 12.5

Circularity through additive manufacturing

We utilize additive manufacturing to reduce material consumption, shipping distances, improve the overall efficiency of production and the supply chain process. Also, additive manufacturing gives us the possibility to extend the life of obsolete products and even to upgrade old products’ features.

UN SDG Target 13.2

Employee shuttle service

We began operating a shuttle service for our employees with professional drivers to more efficiently transport employees at select locations. This service furthers our emissions reduction goals by consolidating emissions produced by daily commutes.

UN SDG 15.4
UN SDG Target 15.4

Biodiversity risk assessments

In 2023, we started developing a comprehensive risk assessment program based on our current annual biodiversity survey. It will serve as the backbone for measuring the level of biodiversity and environmental risk at each of our locations.