
Put your prospective resource volumes into sharper focus with the independent prospect evaluation and exploration risk analysis services of GaffneyCline™ energy advisory.

We classify and categorize your resource size and type according to industry-recognized standards, supported by a structured geological chance of success (GCoS) process. Following this approach, you’ll gain a consistent estimate of GCoS to better rank and compare individual prospects within your portfolio. 

Whether you need to evaluate a basin, play, or prospect, GaffneyCline energy advisory’s geoscience specialists bring evaluation expertise at every scale. Our deep evaluation and analysis experience comes from years of studies quantifying exploration acreage potential. We’ll help you find solutions that are not only technically sound but also practical and cost-effective. 

Our subsurface teams offer expertise in a wide range of Baker Hughes technical disciplines, including: 

  • Seismic interpretation 
  • Petrophysics and log analysis 
  • Reservoir characterization 
  • Data integration using geocellular modeling 
  • Volumetric analysis using deterministic and probabilistic approaches

Working with GaffneyCline energy advisors, you’ll gain greater insights into identifying information gaps and defining the right work program to minimize uncertainty and maximize execution success. 

Contact your Baker Hughes representative today to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisors can take the risk and uncertainty out of your prospect assessments.


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