
Maximizing the potential of your unconventional resources requires specialized design strategies and extraction technologies. GaffneyCline™ energy advisory routinely delivers both for unconventional plays, including coal-bed methane (CBM), basin-centered gas, shale gas and oil, gas hydrates, and natural bitumen.  

Our expertise in assessing the economic potential of such accumulations was developed over many reserves and resource evaluations of North American shale plays. We also leverage the technologies and resource extraction knowledge of the broader Baker Hughes portfolio to support fracture propagation prediction, resource exploitation design, evaluation of technological requirements, and production performance evaluation and optimization. 

Our capabilities and assessment experience extend internationally, including South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Russia, Asia, and Australia.  

Regardless of the type or location of your unconventional resource, GaffneyCline energy advisory’s expert analysis and technologies support your acquisition decisions, resource planning and development, well construction, and long-term production goals.  

Contact your Baker Hughes representative to learn how GaffneyCline energy advisory can help you maximize the long-term potential of your unconventional resources.


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