
Get assured performance from your electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems with proven control software from Baker Hughes. Regardless of your ESP challenge, our software solutions minimize operating risks and maximize uptime for optimal production.

Assured ESP system performance in any well environment

Work with our application experts to select and implement the ideal control software solution for your specific ESP needs.

Our control solutions include:

  • MaxRate™ gas mitigation software, which makes automatic adjustments to safely extend your ESP run life by resolving gas locking and pump off challenges
  • MaxStart™ VSD software,which maximizes your variable speed drive (VSD) operation to control ESP hard starts in your thermal recovery production applications
  • MaxPoint™ VSD optimization software, which provides real-time control of your VSD to keep it operating at optimal efficiency
  • Integrated BackSpin Detection, which prevents ESP startup during ESP back spinning
  • Vector and scalar motor control, which ensures optimal operation of Centrilift™ ESP induction motors and Magneficent™ permanent magnet motors.

Contact us to learn how our ESP control software can increase your system reliability and help maximize your production potential.

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ESP control software