



  • Optimize completion planning and well placements
  • Reduce operational risks
  • Identify and mitigate induced geohazards

  • Assess stimulation effectiveness
  • Calibrate fracture models
  • Estimate fracture geometry and source parameters



Sharpen your stimulation design with microseismic services for hydraulic fracture monitoring from Baker Hughes.

Working with our application experts, you’ll benefit from more than 20 years of  hydraulic fracturing monitoring experience conducted on more than 10,000+ stimulation stages in wide-ranging reservoirs throughout the world.

Optimize your completion designs and reduce operational risks with services that include:

  • Enhanced stimulation designs built on high-resolution imaging of fracture networks, characterization of formation response and fault reactivations, and assessments of stimulation effectiveness
  • Integrated geomechanical modelling that allows you to calibrate fracture models, obtain 4D images of your reservoir, and adjust stress regime estimations
  • Real-time monitoring to visualize space and time seismicity distributions, estimate fracture geometries, correlate seismicity with treatment data, and mitigate induced geohazards

Contact us to learn how hydraulic fracture monitoring services can improve your stimulation success and boost your well’s long-term production.

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