Industrial CT Scanner System
Boost the performance of your Industrial Computed Tomography (CT) system with latest software updates. Test new software features to expand your Industrial CT Scanner System capabilities.

As with any piece of technology the latest development of software features ensure the ideal performance with best reliability. The same is true for your industrial CT and scanner system. Waygate Technologies has created a seamless process for developing new software features and updates to be implemented into your existing system. Updates might be a necessity at a certain time, but by future-proofing your industrial scanning system you benefit from increased capability and productivity to make your asset even more profitable.


Explore our software update demo licenses

You are operating a computed tomography system from Waygate Technologies. In the loop of continuous improvement, we are constantly generating new software modules that enhance the capabilities and productivity of your industrial CT scanner system. 

State of art CT vs Scatter_correct vs Scatter_correct plus ASC_filter

Take the opportunity to convince yourself of the great advantages of these new features for your specific applications and boost the performance of your CT industrial x-ray system.  

Available software modules

Below you can find the available software modules. For each module certain minimum requirements for hardware and software apply. Please reach out to us to verify, if your current system configuration already supports the new modules. In case your system does not match the hard- and software specification an update would be required prior to testing the new modules. Please contact us for an update quotation in this case. 

  • Multi|BHC: Reduction of beam hardening artefacts especially with multi-materials
  • Offset|CT: Enhancement of scanning diameter
  • ASC|filter: Special filter for strong absorbing material; very good in combination with Scatter|correct
  • Flash!Filters in Datos|x: Automatic image enhancement
  • Flash!Filters in Quality|assurance: Automatic image enhancement

To be contacted for price related requests, please click here.

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