The chemistry involved in the processing of radiographic film is a crucial part of the total cycle. Because the goal in processing is to control all factors that influence the intrinsic quality of the industrial X-ray film, the use of optimal chemicals is essential. Waygate Technologies, formerly known as GE Inspection Technologies, is the exclusive provider of the complete line of advanced, high-quality STRUCTURIX processing chemicals. Specially designed for industrial X-ray applications, STRUCTURIX chemicals are an integral part of our total system approach.

We used to be GE Inspection Technologies, now we’re Waygate Technologies, a global leader in NDT solutions with more than 125 years of experience in ensuring quality, safety and productivity.

Product Features
  • Suited for all processors.
  • Handy packaging using cartons made from 60 percent recycled cardboard, in boxes color-coded with colored adhesive tape for easy identification of contents.
  • Uniform polyethylene (PE) material use for easier recycling of bottles
  • Airtight safety seal welded by induction heating on all bottles for easy automatic mixing, allowing it to be placed upside down on a mixer.
  • Guaranteed quantity delivered with correct, authorized quantity limits according to EU legislation.
  • All bottles marked with expiration date, indicating product shelf life.
  • Safety measures included on Safety Data Sheets (SDS) - including information relating to safety, health and environmental aspects of the chemicals.
  • Notice: We advise you ensure a well-ventilated processing room. An air exchange of 10 times the room volume per hour is recommended to prevent the build-up of too high a concentration of chemical fumes in the air.
  • Manual Processing
  • Automatic Processing
  • “Eco” chemical range
  • Standard chemical range
  • Cleaning Chemicals for Tanks and Racks
X-Ray Film Processing Chemicals Range
X-Ray Film Processing Chemicals Range
  • Manual X-Ray Processing Chemicals

    • STRUCTURIX G 128 Developer: A single part liquid developer for manual processing of industrial X-ray films.
    • STRUCTURIX G 328 Fixer: A single part liquid fixer for manual processing of industrial X-ray films containing no hardening agent.
  • Automatic X-Ray Processing Chemicals

    • STRUCTURIX ecoDEV: A new two-part developer suitable for standard processing in the 8 minute cycle but specifically designed for super fast 5 minute processing.
    • STRUCTURIX ecoSTART:  A new one-part starter solution to be added to ecoDEV ready-for-use solution.
    • STRUCTURIX ecoFIX: A new two-part fixer for universal use but specially designed for super fast processing, with the lowest possible replenishment rates while rendering improved archiving results. 
    • STRUCTURIX G 135 Developer:  A three-part developer for use with automatic X-ray film processing. 
    • STRUCTURIX G 135 s Starter:  A one-part ready-for-use starter solution to be added to fresh G135 developer ready-for-use solution. 
    • STRUCTURIX G 335 Fixer: A two-part fixer for universal use. The G335 fixer is universally applicable for automatic and manual X-ray film processing.
  • X-Ray Film Processor Cleaning Products

    • STRUCTURIX DEVCLEAN: A highly efficient, two-part maintenance product for the thorough cleaning of the developing area of both processors and tanks along with the accessories used for manual X-ray film development.
    • STRUCTURIX FIXCLEAN:  A one-part liquid cleaning product for regular maintenance of fixer, intermediate rinsing and wash water areas of X-ray film processors. 
Image Card Radiography Request A Demo
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