Automotive and Battery Manufacturers

NDT for Battery and Automotive Manufacturers

Technologies made for your industry challenges

Automotive and Battery Manufacturers

Inspection and NDT solutions for the battery industry

Li-Ion batteries are among the most powerful energy storage devices commonly used in portable electronic devices, stationary power sources and electric vehicles. Manufacturers and suppliers are working hard to increase load capacity, extend lifecycles, and comply with all quality assurance and safety standards.

Our broad portfolio of premium X-ray inspection and CT systems supports quality control and failure analysis at all stages of a battery’s lifecycle. From R&D to the post-mortem analysis of defective Li-Ion batteries to analyze the cause of failure. Fast CT inspection also provides safe and secure at-line and in-line production control with reliable inspection of all vital parts.

The Challenges

We bring fast, accurate, cost-effective NDT solutions to the floor of your plant

Image Manufacturing Challanges

20% - 30% of batteries coming off production lines are discarded due to flaws in manufacturing & there's a need to adapt to new manufacturing technologies.

Image Exponential Growth in Demand

Efficiently scaling mass production as supply of raw materials become more constraint with increasing demand.

Image Extended Lifetime

End-users are demanding batteries that can match user requirements on extended lifetime.

Image Increasing Energy Density

Safely increase energy efficiency and capacity, while not impacting weight.

How Waygate Technologies can add value

Electrode defects

Evaluate structural electrode defects affecting the cell performance

Virtual Slicing in Any Direction

Deviations can be identified and analyzed with respect to size and positioning

Deviations in anode overhang

Evaluate anode anomalies to optimize quality and your production processes

Pole area defetcs

Detect cracks in the pole shoe, pores in the casting or residual electrolyte


Detect and evaluate delamination areas in your cell

Tab defects

Detect disconnect, folding and wearing areas to prevent overheating zones

Foreign particles

Identify inclusions and their exact position within the battery

Automated anode bending measurment

Proprietary machine learning (ML) based algorithms deliver exceptional Automated Defect Recognition (ADR) across various flaws for e.g. battery anode overhang analysis or typical casting defects

Our Hardware Offerings

Phoenix Microme|x M Neo
Phoenix V|tome|x M Neo

Our flagship computed tomography solution Phoenix V|tome|x M Neo sets a new standard in flexibility, speed, and detection quality, making it the ultimate solution for battery testing, offering precise anode and cathode measurements, as well as failure analysis for various battery cell configurations.

Phoenix V|tome|x L450
Phoenix V|tome|x L450

The Phoenix V|tome|x L450 provides a high flexibility and sample size. With its 450 kV / 1500 W minifocus and its optional 300 kV microfocus X-ray tube, it has more penetration power to make it an excellent solution for void and flaw detection and 3D metrology of castings, large assemblies and AM parts.

Phoenix V|tome|x M300
Phoenix V|tome|x M300

Designed for 3D metrology and analysis with scatter|correct technology to automatically remove scatter artifacts for higher image quality. High-quality 3D micro- and nanoCT results and outstanding metrology precision with 300 kV penetration power enable improved safety and throughput.

Phoenix V|tome|x C450
Phoenix V|tome|x C450

A powerful, compact 450 kV precision CT scanner specially designed for large sample 3D computed tomography. Its production-oriented, low-maintenance design offers speed and flexibility allowing for safe production inspection and metrology with a VDI/VDE 2630-1.3 conform precision spezification of SD ≤ (15 ± L/50 mm) µm.

Phoenix Power|Scan HE
Phoenix Power|Scan HE

The combination of penetration power and our advanced CT features such as Scatter|correct technology make this CT system predestined to scan extremely large, heavy and high absorbing complex parts and assemblies with unmatched speed, precision, and ease of use — enabling faster, more precise inspections.

Phoenix Microme|x and Nanome|x Neo
Phoenix Microme|x and Nanome|x Neo

The Phoenix Microme|x Neo and Nanome|x Neo provide high-resolution 2D X-ray technology, PlanarCT and 3D computed tomography (CT) scanning in one system. The systems are ideally suited for efficient non-destructive testing (NDT) of electronic components such as semiconductors, PCBAs, lithium-ion batteries and more.

Our Software Offerings

Rhythm Insight RT
Flash! X-Ray Digital Image Processing

Software for automating your defect analysis workflow

AI-based on-premises ADR software (Automated Defect Recognition) with specific teachable algorithms to evaluate the quality of components for a wide range of parts and leverage automated detection of microstructural defects from CT images

Rhythm Insight RT
Rhythm Insight RT
Rhythm Insight RT

DICONDE-compliant NDT Image Acquistion and Analysis

User-friendly software that captures, enhances, reports, approves, shares, and sends NDT imaging data to archives and full analysis software solutions

Flash! X-Ray Digital Image Processing

Detect even the smallest defects

Our most advanced intelligent image processing software just got smarter. The next generation of Flash! is here and now comes standard on all Waygate Technologies X-ray software platforms.

Our Service Offerings

Radiography and CT Services
Safe operations and maximum throughput

Our Customer Solutions Center experts offer a broad range of services ranging from in-depth consultations and feasibility studies to evaluate the best inspection solutions for individual inspection tasks, highly customizable testing solutions covering defect analysis or 3D measurement or on-demand or pay-per-scan inspection services with latest Waygate Technologies NDT equipment.

What software is useful for battery defect analysis?

Datos|x software is used to acquire and reconstruct CT data volumes from 3D systems. X|approver, is machine learning on-premises ADR software (Automated Defect Recognition) with specific teachable algorithms to evaluate the quality of battery and other components. Waygate Technologies' software consists of the full and intuitive workflow management as well as a comprehensive ADR library running in the background of your production, delivering automatic decision making. Reporting functions allow to identify potential negative trends in production at just a glance.  Authorized operators can parametrize scanned samples (e.g. for highly accurate overhang issue detection), and the algorithms get more accurate over time. The highly consistent defect analysis results can reduce the workload for highly qualified operators and thus helps companies become more operator independent. Waygate Technologies' software can also be deployed on the cloud to do additional ADR from batteries and other domains.

Why is non-destructive inspection critical for battery quality assurance?

The structure of batteries is complex and there is no common standard between suppliers. Once the battery is built, it is sealed and is like a black box. The true integrity of the structure inside is unknown. To avoid scrap, it is necessary to look inside non-destructively, and this works best with CT inspection technology. Our Phoenix product line provides certainty for original manufacturers and suppliers and helps reduce costly scrap and recalls.

What are the advantages of 3D CT technology over other battery inspection methods?

With 3D CT technology, we can look inside the battery after assembly, inspect in greater detail, and assess the entire cell more accurately. That makes CT the best solution for finding the cause when batteries fail or test poorly. It thus reduces failed tests, and thereby scrap, costs, and environmental impact. However, the main goal of our customers is to optimize cost efficiency. Every cell that tests as poor lowers efficiency and drives up costs. CT is a universal tool to control the cell.

For example, the batteries used for electric vehicles or energy storage are made up of modules, and each module in turn is made up of multiple cells. When inspecting the batteries at the cell level, engineers examine the mechanical fabrication to see if there are any inclusions, the homogeneity of the electrodes, internal connections (welding), and the arrangement of the electrodes in the cells. Inspection of the electrode geometry involves examining the spacing between the electrodes, their size and orientation with respect to each other, their distance from the wall, and their angles. With 2D X-ray systems this might be possible, too, but inspectors will not see the whole picture because usually only one or two types of significant defects are visible within all the overlaying features of an X-ray image. Industrial computed tomography (CT) provides a complete picture of the critical parts of the cells and their arrangement within the casing. Inspectors can thus find any kind of defect causing deviations in X-ray absorption.

For whom are Waygate Technologies' X-ray and CT solutions relevant?

Battery research institutes, original equipment manufacturers as well as suppliers in the automotive and electronics industries use CT for quality assurance in development, production and failure analysis. When a battery fails in a car or electronic device and comes back from the field, a CT test is performed. Opening the battery can damage it. Therefore, a non-destructive inspection is necessary in advance. CT inspection can be used to prove if a defect was present before the battery was opened. If technicians then need to open a module, CT shows them with micrometer precision where the defect is to be found and where they can safely place their tools for detailed destructive examination.

To go even deeper, Waygate Technologies partners with industry domain experts. While CT allows precise 3D localization (within a few microns) of anomalies within batteries and other specimen, our partners help expose anomalies using lasers for micrometer-precise surgical cuts into the object under investigation, polish them with plasma and analyze them down to the atomic level using electron microscopy. This synergy of non-destructive 3D defect detection and localization and laser-based destructive defect exposure at the location determined by CT followed by defect analysis through scanning electron microscopy for the first time enables a multiscale workflow from the macro scale to the atomic.

How does CT increase the efficiency of battery inspection?

CT inspection allows the inspection of different types and sizes of batteries and defects on the same line or several different lines. Furthermore, it reduces changeover time and personnel to move large batteries for inspections.

How do faults in Li-ion battery cells actually occur?

The variety in battery cells is very high. The electric vehicles industry for example is in a kind of constant learning process. Because in this emerging mass production sector data is still being gathered on where there are issues, there is no statistical process control yet. Processes have to be redefined often. Each time something is changed the learning curve starts all over again. In the electronics sector, the maturity level of the batteries is higher, but on the other hand, much greater mass production volumes have to be managed here.

What is the advantage of using artificial intelligence-based ADR software?

Waygate Technologies offers ADR software as part of the comprehensive, agnostic data management software platform InspectionWorks and in combination with expert service teams. Once set up and implemented at a customer site by Waygate Technologies experts, the X|approver ADR software is able to automatically train itself on the inspection tasks the individual customer usually performs and the defects which occur during these tasks. By learning about the specific failure types, the ADR software becomes more and more accurate, reducing false negatives and ensuring an increase in inspection efficiency.

What are the benefits of Waygate Technologies' solutions?

Our Phoenix product line provides certainty for both OEMs of vehicles and electronic devices and suppliers.

We can always find new defects in battery production lines. Our CT systems help by analyzing the entire battery. Other test equipment focuses on a single failure mode. They perform a test for one fault, and once that has been eliminated, a sample might still test poorly because of a different fault. That's not the case with CT. 90 percent of the time, our CT systems can detect all faults because they are very flexible and the Waygate Technologies experts can help react quickly to test for any new fault modes. The main CT solution currently used by battery manufacturers is the Phoenix V|tome|x line, which is available in different versions depending on individual customer requirements. The experienced service and support teams at Waygate Technologies are ready to assist customers with planning, set up, adjustments and maintenance at any time.

When it comes to fully automated mass inspection, our new Speed|scan HD solution is now being integrated into first battery fabs of world-leading battery manufacturers.

Why is it an advantage to work with Waygate Technologies?

Waygate Technologies has more than a decade of experience in non-destructive inspection of batteries and detecting faults. The same manufacturers who already have experience in the production of cell phone batteries began to build larger batteries for electric vehicles. Even though EV batteries are a completely different application area, Waygate Technologies has a wealth of experience in battery inspection and the automotive sector that can be deployed quickly. The combined knowledge across the CT teams allows Waygate Technologies to set up machines well and troubleshoot quickly. Our systems are extremely versatile and easy to operate. Our experienced service and support teams are ready to assist customers at any time and will help manufacturers find the best solution for their respective challenge.

Do I need to buy a system?

No, many customers start with inspection services in one of Waygate Technologies´ global Customer Solutions Centers. Guided by experienced application engineers they learn which CT solutions best fit their individual inspection tasks. If they have extensive inspection demand and once they are convinced of the benefits, they might at a later time consider buying a system for their fab instead of hiring inspection services on a hourly basis.

Image Card Radiography Request A Demo
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Our videos on demand

Interactive Image Card Batteries

Li-ion Battery Inspection with Phoenix CT systems & Volume Graphics' Software, part of Hexagon.

Interactive Image Card Batteries

EV Battery - fast failure detection with computed tomography

Interactive Image Card Batteries

Promotional video: Li-ion battery inspection with CT