The Battery Inspection Forum

The second annual Battery Inspection Forum will again be hosted by Waygate Technologies at their Customer Solution Center in Cincinnati, Ohio on November 13th and 14th 2024. Waygate Technologies has been at the forefront of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of battery cells, modules and packs for over 20 years. 

This event will bring together thought leaders, practitioners, battery manufacturers, recyclers, test houses, academia, and Department of Energy National Laboratories for two days of talks, tutorials and hands on workshops utilizing multiple NDT inspection modalities. Register now to reserve your spot at this industry leading event.


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Our Customer Solutions Center Locations

Each Customer Solutions Center (CSC) offers a rich opportunity for customers to experience the full breadth and depth of Waygate Technologies' product portfolio.

What to expect?

The event will consist of two mornings of unique, informative and thought-provoking presentations and two afternoons of self-directed hands on tutorials and workshops provided by global battery experts. Highlights will include:

  • The opportunity to get hands on experience with multiple CT X-ray and Ultrasonic inspection solutions, the Thermo Fisher Scientific Axia ChemiSEM Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and battery specific production optimization software
  • A diverse speaker agenda including battery inspection specialists, Department of Energy, DoE National Laboratories and leading universities
  • Introduction to the all-new V|tome|x M300 Neo, a state-of-the-art industrial X-ray and CT solution ideally suited to cell, module and small battery pack inspection
  • To view cell/battery inspection results from multiple NDT modalities
  • Battery cell inspection including AI based ADR
  • Exposure to other NDT solutions within the event venue, a 30,000 ft² state-of-the-art Customer Solution Center


Call for Papers

Have you solved a critical battery inspection challenge with the help of X-ray and CT inspection and would like to become an active part of the Forum? Get in touch with us. We are always looking for exciting, interesting or instructive presentations and would welcome your participation. Reach out to and we will share information on how you can become a presenter! 

We are looking forward to seeing you in Cincinnati! 

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