How do I handle and store unexposed radiographic film?

How do I handle and store unexposed radiographic film?

X-ray of Van Gogh
How do I handle and store unexposed radiographic film?

The conditions under which unexposed films are handled and stored play a very important role in the final quality of the exposed film. Recommendations for handling and storage are contained in, for example, ASTM E1254. “Pre-exposure” as a result of background radiation must be avoided as it causes unacceptable fogging of the film.

If films are to be kept for a longer period, the following storage conditions must be adhered to:

  • background radiation levels below 90 nGray
  • temperatures below 24˚C
  • relative humidity levels below 60 %
  • away from X-ray film chemicals
  • preferably stacked on edge

In the long run, minor fogging will occur to films stored. Background fog to a maximum density of 0.3 is considered acceptable.

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