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We offer a full range of industrial of X-ray and CT Inspection Services

The Customer Solutions Center Munich/Bavaria offers industrial mini, micro and nanofocus 2D X-ray inspection and 3D computed tomography as well as sales consulting services for the broad Phoenix X-ray inspection and CT solutions portfolio. The inspection service includes, for example, digital radiography, non-destructive testing, solder joint inspection, CT for 3D defect or porosity analysis, fiber orientation analysis and various 3D measurement tasks such as wall thickness measurement, surface extraction, nom./act. comparison etc.

Our Customer Solutions Center in Munich, Germany

After moving from Grasbrunn/Neukeferloh, Waygate Technologies is presenting almost the entire product range from nanoCT® to large CT systems in a significantly larger area. The following systems are available for inspection services on an hourly basis:

CSC München VTX L Großtomograph
  • Phoenix Nanome|x neo:

    High-resolution micro- and nanofocus inspection of electronic components, assembled PCBs and semiconductors

  • Phoenix Nanotom M:

    High-resolution nanoCT® analyses in semiconductor and materials research 

  • Phoenix V|tome|x M:

    High-resolution nanoCT® examinations as well as high-performance scans of strongly absorbing parts up to 300 kV. Housed in its own air-conditioned metrology laboratory, this also enables non-destructive precision measurements with an accuracy of a few microns.

  • Phoenix V|tome|x C450

    Powerful, compact 450 kV minifocus CT scanner specially designed for large sample inspection and 3D metrology

  • Phoenix V|tome|x L450/300 mesofocus

    Powerful 450 kV CT scanner with mesofocus and microfocus tube technology. Specifically designed for inspecting medium and large samples and higher density parts.


CSC München CT Messlabor

Advanced technology tailored to individual needs

Ranging from nanoCT to large-scale CT systems, the technology on offer in the CSC Munich provides sophisticated inspection solutions which guarantee maximum safety and efficiency. Compared to the conventional CT technology used in the medical field, industrial computed tomography allows for a much higher level of detail recognition of up to under one micrometer.

The new center is also equipped with a temperature-controlled measurement laboratory in which even the inaccessible inner geometries of complex parts can be reliably measured with a precision of a few micrometers.

CSC München CT

Consulting for the optimal X-ray and CT inspection solution

On-site experts offer in-depth consultations and feasibility studies to evaluate the best inspection solutions for your individual inspection task. The CSC team also offers highly customizable testing solutions tailored to your needs: Customers can participate in on-site as tests covering defect analysis or 3D measurement and gain additional insights provided by trained NDT experts based at the CSC. If the circumstances allow it, X-ray inspection can even be carried out independently by the customer following a brief training session.

CSC München Trainingraum

The generous storage area allows the delivery of very many and very large inspection parts by truck. On a total of 500 square meters, the new CSC Munich is not only equipped with state-of-the-art inspection technologies and the corresponding know-how, but also has a training room for CT training

Images from the CSC



Waygate Technologies
Customer Solutions Center
Schleißheimer Straße 92
85748 Garching bei München

Find us on the map

Telephone: +49 89 45672656


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