gas turbine inspection
Case Study

Revolutionizing Gas Turbine Inspection


Waygate Technologies


Granite Services is the leading provider of field services in the power generation and oil and gas industries. Providing their customers with upgrade overhauls, scheduled or forced outage, maintenance and startup support, they require a video borescope which enables data-driven maintenance decisions and optimization. Accurately quantifying corrosion/ erosion, pitting, discoloration indications and measuring internal clearances are critical.


BHGE as Part of the Solution

Waygate Technologies Mentor Visual iQ+ is revolutionizing the way gas turbine inspections are conducted. The inspector and asset owner can now rely on a series of highly accurate field data to confidently make important decisions regarding maintenance.

Tze Chuan Kho, Region Service Director for Granite Services, Singapore said, “The Mentor Visual iQ is advantaged in terms of its crystal clear live video/image production (especially in our ‘search and detect’ and ‘low light’ inspections), intuitive HMI, rugged yet modular build and 3D-point-cloud visualization”.


Technology Highlights

  • Advanced analysis using 3D Phase Measurement, 3D Stereo Measurement and Stereo Measurement 
  • Crystal clear live video and still images with Adaptive Noise Reduction (ANR) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) still image capture 
  • Menu Directed Inspection (MDI) software in 14 languages digitally guides inspectors through the inspection process, intelligently names files and creates MS Word® and PDF compatible inspection reports

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