Case Study



Development and experimental validation of the first cooperative free-flying robot system for assembly and structure construction


The project will pave the way for a large number of applications including the building of platforms for evacuation of people or landing aircrafts, the deployment and servicing of mobile robots on remote locations for the inspection and maintenance of facilities and the construction of structures in inaccessible sites. Within the ARCAS project the enabling technologies for cooperative free-flying robot system for assembly and structure construction have been developed successfully by a highly competent consortium.


Free Flying

New methods for motion control of a free-flying robot with mounted manipulator in contact with a grasped object as well as for coordinated control of multiple cooperating flying robots with manipulators in contact with the same object (e.g. for precise placement or joint manipulation)



New flying robot perception methods to model, identify and recognize the scenario and to be used for the guidance in the assembly operation, including fast generation of 3D models, aerial 3D SLAM, 3D tracking and cooperative perception.


Operator Assistance​

New methods for the cooperative assembly planning and structure construction & strategies for operator assistance, including visual and force feedback, in manipulation tasks involving multiple cooperating flying robots.

See it in Action

The Consortium
  • Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft - Und Raumfahrt e.V
  • degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scientifique
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Universitat Pol. de Catalunya
  • Spacetech GmbH
  • Alstom Inspection Robotics AG


The role of Inspection Robotics

GE Inspection robotics contributes with the specially adapted version of the FAST platform and with system integration skills. The FAST platform will be deployed by a autonomous UAV on remote located pipe structures for inspection purposes.

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