Waygate Technologies 致力于提供行业领先的无损检测 (NDT) 技术和支持。 凭借我们在为多个行业提供可靠、高质量的检测解决方案方面积累的超过 120 年的经验,我们拥有解决您最棘手的无损检测挑战所需的工具和专业知识。 我们可以帮助您更智能、更快速、更安全地工作,并帮助您从您的无损检测解决方案中获得最大的价值,让您实现所需的效率、准确度和安全性。
Discover our services
Service Agreements
Our Supporting Service Agreements are tailor-made service programs designed to maximize the value of your investment. The main goal is to support the life cycle of your machines by increasing uptime and reliability and lowering operating costs. We make sure that your system is properly maintained and optimally used through ultrasonic testing. Our global field and remote service teams respond in a timely manner to assist you when you are in trouble. Whatever your need, we'll work with you to find a solution that meets your business goals.
Our ultrasonic testing equipment rental program gives you the unique opportunity to test our highly advanced technology without have the burden of purchasing. You can have on-demand access to cutting edge ultrasound equipment and assess how it performs with your current production levels. A unique benefit of our ultrasound equipment rental program is that if you decide to purchase your rental, you'll get 50% off your existing rental credited toward your purchase.