CRxFlex™ 是一款适用于各种应用的多用途设备。 这款产品专为无损检测 (NDT) 而设计,相较当今无损检测市场中的任何其他同类系统,能够提供更高的效率和更佳的性能、吞吐量和图像质量。
所有这些对同位素和 X 射线成像辐射剂量的要求都很低。 由于读出效率高,这款经过现场验证的扫描仪拥有更短的曝光时间、出色的图像质量、更高的信噪比 (SNR) 和基本空间分辨率 (SRb)。
CR 由此开始
20 余年来,作为 CR 技术领域的头部供应商,Waygate Technologies 实现了成熟经验与创新技术的融合。 我们根据客户的需求设计了计算机射线照相系统和工具,以提供可能做到的最佳结果,在提高运营效率方面为您提供所需的全方位帮助。
CRxFlex 系统与 Waygate Technologies 专有成像板 (IP)(针对此类扫描仪进行了微调)相结合,能够提供 NDT 行业内最快的 ISO 速度,从而实现最短的曝光时间。 CRxFlex™ 升级的核心技术能够提供从 25 微米至 200 微米的各种扫描分辨率,覆盖了所有无损检测 (NDT) 应用领域。 与此同时,信噪比 (SNR) 水平也得到大幅提升。
这为石油和天然气应用带来了极高的吞吐量,如 CUI、ISI 和侵蚀/腐蚀检测,同时还提供顶级的图像质量,以符合最严格的焊接标准。
与所有可用的 Waygate Technologies CR 扫描仪一样,CRxFlex™ 解决方案符合 DICONDE 标准,可用于图像采集、分析、通信和数据管理。
Accelerate your asset inspections
- Fast: High dynamic range, strong SNR, and faster set up, scanning and processing times result in streamlined workflows and more efficient inspections
- Reliable: With a limited tabletop footprint, this robust scanner thrives in even the toughest NDT environments.
- Accurate: With specially designed optics, lasers, and best-in-class components, our scanners provide image quality with excellent IQI sensitivity.
The CRxFlex™ industrial CR scanner is a multipurpose workhorse for a wide range of applications
- Faster asset inspection: new core technology provides faster set-up, scanning and processing times for more efficient inspections and quality control
- Flash! Image quality: Advanced Flash! image optimization technology ensures the highest consistent quality independent of the operator
- Greater productivity: Image enhancement and data sharing mean streamlined workflows and faster defect identification
- Peace of mind: Built for the long haul, our durable, modular design allows for faster, easier service with minimal damage or wear
- Higher throughput: Multiple imaging plates can be scanned simultaneously with the ability to handle any shape or size
The CRxFlex™ is designed for the rigors of any industry, for example
- Oil and Gas: Erosion, Corrosion, Weld inspections
- Aerospace: Turbine blades, Structural castings, On-wing, Critical weld inspection
- Power generation: Investment castings, Asset integrity
CRxFlex™ 特点
A high dynamic range, strong SNR, and faster set up, scanning and processing times result in streamlined workflows and more efficient inspections. An extremely wide latitude allows for a broad range of thicknesses to be inspected in one single exposure, meaning fewer overall exposures and re-takes for higher component throughput. Using Flash!™ also enables quick decisions without the need for any window-level view of the image.
With a limited tabletop footprint, this robust scanner thrives in even the toughest NDT environments.It reduces downtime with long mean-times-between-failures (MTBF) and maintenance (MTBM). And its state-of-the-art, horizontal transport system has limited contact with the imaging plate during the scanning process for minimal damage or wear. A modular internal structure allows for easy servicing and flexible use.
With specially designed optics, lasers, and best-in-class components, our scanners provide image quality with excellent IQI sensitivity. It allows for images to be digitally enhanced for clarity during diagnosis. Images can also be electronically shared for second opinions, if unsure of the determination. Software and optional tools guarantee stable, operator-independent results to reduce risk of error.