Introduction Industrial System Upgrades

X 射线和 CT 系统升级

升级您的 X 射线系统,以获得更多功能、更快的检测速度、更高的图像质量和可靠性

通过我们广泛的硬件升级,使您的系统发挥出最大功效! 从最新的探测器和发生器技术到最先进的计量解决方案,为您的机器添加新的组件,从而扩展您的检测能力。


作为工业计算机断层扫描 (CT) 市场的技术领导者,我们不断开发新功能,以更高的吞吐率提高成像结果的质量。 了解我们广泛的 CT 扫描硬件升级,以获取更快、更可靠和更高质量的图像。

我们为各种使用案例量身定制了独特的升级方案。 在扫描大型或高吸收能力的零件时,我们的模块能够改善流程和图像质量。 例如,它们还有助于减少在使用多种材料时出现的光束硬化伪影。

300kV 免维护连接器

利用我们最新推出的功能增强技术来提升您的射线照相和 CT 扫描系统:免维护连接器的特点是在射线管和发生器两端均采用扁平连接器。 这一尖端创新技术旨在提供无可比拟的可靠性,它将彻底改变 Microfocus CT 的面貌,使其能够延长服务间隔,从而最大限度地减少维护干预需求并减少服务中断次数。 得益于该功能提供的极为可靠的连接,避免了长时间系统停机的困扰。 总拥有成本的大幅降低,进一步加强了该功能在效率和成本效益方面的支柱作用。 这项新功能受专利保护,凸显了其独特性,并使其成为全球放射成像和 CT 扫描系统领域的变革者。

  • 提升稳定性和可靠性,尤其是在微聚焦 CT 应用场景中。  

  • 延长服务周期,减少技术服务人员介入,最大限度地缩短停机时间。

  • 每台设备每年可多运行 5 天时间,同时可减少 33% 以上的停机成本,实现了运营资源的优化。


  1. 带有扁平和锥形连接器的芯棒和电缆,其将取代射线管和发生器之间的现有连接。

  1. 两侧均带有扁平连接器以及带有一个新发生器的芯棒和电缆,可替换射线管和发生器之间的现有连接以及发生器本身。

Available Industrial CT Upgrade Features
300kV Maintenance Free Connector

With the 300kV Maintenance Free Connection (MFC) we introduce a significantly improved and highly reliable connection. It brings more stability and reliability to our 300kV Microfocus CT systems, requires less interaction, and therefore improves the overall lifecycle of the high-voltage connection.

What are the benefits? 

The main benefit comes from the increased stability and reliability of the high-voltage chain. The latest maintenance free connection type, compared to current state of the art technology, will result into higher system uptime as well as a reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

High stability means less interactions. No re-greasing of the cone connector is needed and no regular system checks are required. 

Finally, a significant reduction in preventive maintenance time of approx. 5-10% is achieved. In combination with the increased reliability and stability this results into an average of 5 days additional operating time

Acquisition PC

Get updated computer with latest OS

Reconstruction PC

Increase your computing power with latest OS

Detector Dynamic 41|100

For faster Inspections, increased image quality

Detector Dynamic 41|200

For improved CT inspection throughput

Detector DXR S100 Pro

Increased image quality, larger inspection area

Titan|neo HP Generators

Latest technology, easy maintenance

Metrology 2.0

Access state of the art metrology solutions


For up to 2 times faster microCT scans or doubled resolution


Helps to significantly enhance productivity


Increase productivity for batch inspections

True|position / Ruby|plate

Measuring with specified VDI 2630 accuracy at all positions

Dual|tube Option

Increase your application range to the next level with a second X-ray tube

CT Option

Get CT functionality on your 2D System

Long life filament
Lifetime Solutions

如需了解更多信息或软硬件升级报价,请联系 Waygate Technologies 的射线照相 CT 系统专家!

Learn more

Learn more about our Dynamic 41|100 detectors
详细了解我们的 Dynamic 41|100 探测器
Learn more about datos|x
Learn more about datos|x
Learn more about our Dynamic 41|200 detectors
详细了解我们的 Dynamic 41|200 探测器
Learn more about X|act
Learn more about X|act
Test new Software Features


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