
Increase the speed and accuracy of your reserve estimates with Digital Core Analysis (DCA) services from Baker Hughes. Whatever your reservoir type, DCA services give you the detailed formation analysis you need to optimize your well planning.

Conventional core analysis workflows typically take months to deliver low resolution images, resulting in delayed and inaccurate reserve estimates. Our DCA services pair with other advanced imaging techniques, including high-resolution visual, UV photography, and scanning electron microscopy, to give you far more detailed formation evaluation. You’ll get high-definition core analysis up to ten times faster and with 1,000 times higher resolution than conventional analysis.

Using volumetric computed tomography data, DCA services create 3D digital maps of rock core properties to derive formation evaluation properties at the sub-millimeter scale. Our services include the analysis expertise of our reservoir and coring specialists, who help you obtain a clear picture of the composition and production potential of your reservoir.

High-resolution measurements of petrophysical parameters including porosity, fluid saturations, multiphase permeability, lithology, and fraccability provide detailed insights that help you:

  • Accurately assess reservoir storage
  • Map out flow paths between the reservoir and the wellbore
  • More quickly identify target pay zones
  • Identify secondary pay zones and frac barriers
  • Improve reserves estimates
  • Make more informed completions decisions

For more than 60 years, Baker Hughes has set the industry standard for coring excellence in a wide variety of environments and applications. Digital Core Analysis completes our comprehensive coring services portfolio – from core acquisition and processing through data analysis – to ensure end-to-end services for any of your coring projects.

Contact us today to learn how Digital Core Analysis can quickly and accurately increase your understanding of reservoir properties.

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Core analysis services