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It’s no secret. Cased-hole multizone frac-pack completions can unlock production from lucrative deepwater plays.

But there’s a cost…One month rig time and up to $100 million USD—on average.

Complex logistics and tool procedures increase rig time and drive up operational expenditures (OPEX). And lower completion configurations limit stage counts and lack flexibility, resulting in uneven treatments and ‘dead spaces’ that cover up viable pay along the wellbore.

Our DEEPFRAC™ deepwater multistage fracturing service leverages tools and techniques perfected in unconventional land applications to help revolutionize the efficiency—and the economics—of offshore completions. Using specially-adapted DEEPFRAC ball-activated sleeves and patented BeadScreen™ bonded-bead flowback control media, the service simplifies operations, accelerates completion times, and enables rapid stimulation of 20+ stages in a single trip.

The result: maximized reservoir contact with an average OPEX savings of $30 to 40 million USD per well.


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